Robbie in wonderland

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A/N: Idk who that girl is but she's touching Robbie and I want to kill her...
No not really, I just think Robbie looks cute here! LOL
Robbie is a teenager here, so are you (just in case you're not) and Robbie isn't famous (or if he is you've never heard about him). Also he lives in New York for some reason.

At first, you had wanted to kill your mom for making you move all the way to New York, just to open a swanky café that probably wouldn't last a week.

The anger had lasted all but three days.

Wonderland had become quite a popular café amongst teenagers who went to the nearby high school. You didn't go there yourself, seeing as it was a private school, but you worked at Wonderland every day, and so you had met him.

He was one of the first customers to ever enter, dressed in the uniform of the school he went to with a bag slung across his shoulder and a smile that lit up the entire room. He had bright green eyes and messy, light brown hair and, as you would soon come to notice, his eyebrows moved around his face in an array of emotions whenever he talked or looked around.

Wonderland was mostly empty, save for an old man who was sitting by the window consuming coffee at a quick rate as he read in some old book. Your mother was in the back, so you stood behind the counter, not particularly interested in him as you hadn't looked up at him yet.

"Hello, love," he'd greeted you, and you'd shifted your (E/C) eyes to him when you heard his British accent. "Can I have a coffee? No milk or sugar needed."

"Sure thing," you'd said, surprised at his appearance. He seemed no more than a year older than you. While you would admit that your mom had succeeded in making Wonderland look cool (it was something straight out of Tim Burton's movie), you'd thought only old people would ever enter here. "That'll be, ah..." you had to look at the price-list real quick "...three dollars."

He payed, and then waited for you while you got him his drink in a to-go cup, after which he left.

The next time he brought some friends with him, and a year later (now), Wonderland had become a teen hang-out spot. You were pretty sure you had him to thank for that.

He often came by, now, even when it was getting late and none of his classmates were around. Sometimes, he'd enter the café an hour before closing-time, when there weren't any other customers around, order a coffee, and do his homework by the counter.

But you'd never truly spoken to him. He'd only ever uttered a hello and then his order to you, and you'd only ever told him how much he had to pay.

That's what you were thinking about, this particular Sunday night.

Why your mom had decided you should be opened for valentines day was beyond you: You'd only had two customers the entire day, and they had been a couple of twenty-somethings who'd ordered a hot chocolate and left to drink it in a more romantic spot.

It was five minutes before closing-time and your mother wasn't around, so you decided it wouldn't hurt to close up a little early. You had a Chemistry test tomorrow, and you hadn't had the time to study for it yet. Plus, Sunday was usually your one day off and because of valentines day that hadn't been the case. You just wanted to take a hot bath and sleep.

Before you could even step out from behind the counter to go lock up, though, the door opened and Robbie stepped inside (you had learned his name over the past year, seeing as he often came in with friends). He wasn't wearing his uniform, since it was Sunday, but instead a black coat and jeans. He had his hands in his pockets and his head down, so you didn't notice the tears until he had walked up to the counter.

"What's wrong?" you asked before he could so much as open his mouth, looking at him worriedly.

"Huh?" He blinked, obviously surprised that you had spoken up at all. "Oh... nothing. Sorry." He wiped his eyes hurriedly. "It's just the wind."

"What wind?" You frowned. "There is no wind."

"Can I please just have a coffee?" Robbie asked, irritation apparent in his voice. It was showing across his face as well, but somehow he remained just as attractive as always. "No milk or sugar."

"Right," you muttered, turning away to prepare his drink. "I was just checking if you're okay..."

When you turned back, he wasn't looking at you, but you could still see his expression: It had shifted to one of sadness as he spoke: "I know... But it's nothing." Instead of answering, you handed him his to-go cup without a word, feeling that if there was something he wanted to say, he'd say it. This seemed to work, as he looked up at you and asked: "Are your mum and dad still together?"

You froze. "In a sense..."

Your dad was still back in (Y/hometown), and he called your mom every night... But you could tell it wasn't the same between them. One of these days, they would probably decide to get a divorce. The spark was gone.

"Do they ever..." Robbie seemed almost uncertain if he should continue. "Do they ever have fights? Really bad fights, I mean, the ones where they're screaming constantly."

"No." You paused, feeling you should elaborate on that. "My mom and dad don't really love each other, though, but when you love each other, you fight sometimes. That's life."

"Oh..." Robbie nodded. "I guess that's true."

"If it's violent, though, you should probably call somebody" you added. "That's never good."

"No, it's not violent. It's just yelling." Robbie smiled. "Thanks, (Y/N)."

He knew your name!

"You're welcome, Robbie."

He seemed happily surprised that you knew his name, as well, hiding his smile by taking a sip of the coffee you had handed him. He then placed some money on the counter and frowned, as if in thought. "It's almost closing-time, right?"

"It's three minutes passed closing time."

"So would you like to get dinner somewhere? I mean, Valentines day isn't over..."

"Like a date?" you asked uncertainly. "I don't really think I'm dressed for a date..." You looked down at your (slightly ridiculous) Alice dress and played with the hem of it, feeling your cheeks heat up.

"You look beautiful, honestly," Robbie said, and there was something about his voice that made you believe him. When you looked up at his eyes, there was sincerity in them, too. "Please? I know a good restaurant a few blocks away..."

"Well... Okay then..." you agreed with a soft smile, which grew bigger when his entire face lit up at your answer. "Just let me close up real quick. We can leave through the back."

"Sounds good."

"So how did you know Wonderland was opened, anyway?" You asked as you walked out from behind the counter and towards the door. You locked it, turned the sign to 'sorry, we're closed' and then turned back around to look at Robbie, who had just finished his drink and was throwing the cup in the trashcan. "I mean, we didn't really advertise it or anything..."

"I wanted to get out of the house, so I was taking a walk." Robbie shrugged. "I saw the light when I walked passed." He paused, a playful smirk appearing on his face. "I'm glad I did."

You were, too.

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