Chapter 8: The Memories

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Elizabeta's POV

"Mom! I'm going to walk the dog!" I exclaimed to my mom. She put down her paperwork and reading glasses and glanced at me. She gave a smile and nodded as I walked outside of the house. I glanced at the German Shepard as he seemed really excited to be walking.

Of course, I was walking with Gilbert which didn't bother me since he sort of gave me the dog. "Thanks, again," I told him. Gilbert shrugged and draped his arm around my shoulders. I gulped and blushed a slight pink. Then again, it's been two years since my last relationship.

After a while that we've been walking. Gilbert chuckled and pointed over to a park where there was a swing set. "Remember? We used to go there when we were little and then we would always have pretend sword fights and you would beat my little ass," Gilbert said and chuckled.

I shrugged, realizing that I left my frying pan at home. "Hey, you still wear that flower on your head?" Gilbert asked. I shrugged and nodded as I ran my fingers through my hair and pulled out the flower from my hair and looked at it on my hands.

"I still don't know who gave it to me. But it's a pretty flower," I said. Gilbert took it from my hands and placed it in my hair again. I raised one eyebrow and looked at the awkward albino. "You know who gave that to you?" Gilbert asked.

I sighed and shook my head. "I just told you that I don't know," I told him. Gilbert chuckled and pointed to himself with his thumb. "The awesome me did!" Gilbert exclaimed. My eyes widened as I pulled the flower out of my hair and looked at it in my hands.

*flash back*

"Haha! As usual I won!" I said following with a laugh of victory as I put the tip of my plastic sword at his neck. "NOOO!" Gilbert exclaimed as he pretended to be dead. I stuck my tongue out and helped him up. Gilbert grinned as I yawned.

"I'm feeling tired can I take a nap?" I asked him. Gilbert rolled his eyes. "Yeah sure. Only because you beat me," Gilbert said. I smirked as we bumped our fists as I took a nap under the tree. "You woman," I heard Gilbert say. I gave a quick glare at Gilbert and closed my eyes again.

When I wold up, Gilbert was gone. I woke up and ran my fingers through my hair. I soon found out that there was a flower in my hair. I raised one eyebrow and looked at the flower in my hand. I soon saw Gilbert hiding behind another tree. There was a pink blush on his face...

*end of flash back*

"Oh," I said in realization. Gilbert smirked as he lightly punched my arm. "I guess that my awesome girlfriend can't be as awesome as me," Gilbert said and laughed loudly.

I rolled my eyes and pinched his cheek. "Hey!" Gilbert exclaimed. I giggled and removed my hand from his face and trained my eyes on Eli who seemed to be barking when he saw someone. "What is it, boy?" I asked and bent down close to my dog and petted it's fur, trying to calm it down.

Gilbert started to imitate Eli. "Bark! Bark! Roderich! Bark!" I heard Gilbert say. Eli started to bark again. I suddenly felt a surging feeling of anger in me as I handed Eli's leash to Gilbert and faced the young Beethoven fanboy in front of me.

Eli was able to calm down now that he was farther away from Roderich. I noticed that he was carrying a bouquet of flowers in his hands. I crossed my arms as I faced Roderich. "Who are the flowers for?" I asked him. Roderich sighed and put them down.

"Now that the flowers are gone you won't think anything's suspicious," Roderich said with a half grin on his face. "You damn aristocrat," Gilbert muttered silently as I continued to glance at the flowers and Roderich. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked Roderich. He suddenly walked closer to me.

Eli started barking again. Gilbert walked him further away from Roderich as he calmed down. "And Eli, my dog, doesn't seem to like you," I told Roderich. He chuckled and nodded. "I never knew you were a dog person. I bought you a bunny when we were 12," Roderich said.

"I just happen to like dogs. And quit changing the subject!" I said, almost yelling at him harshly. "Where's your girlfriend, Lucille?" I asked him. "We uh, broke up," Roderich said and picked up his bouquet of flowers and took one more step closer to me. Gilbert himself almost seemed like a restless dog like Eli was.

"Look, Elizabeta. I thought what we had was special and, I shouldn't have thrown it away. I want you to give me another chance," Roderich said and tried to hand me the flowers. I shook my head and rejected the flowers.

"Lucille didn't fill in the hole in my heart from when we broke up. I know I said the spark was gone but I want another chance," Roderich said and tried to hold my hand. I quickly shook it away from him. "Don't touch me," I told him in a cold, harsh tone.

"But-" Roderich was cut off by Gilbert stepping in. His other fist clenched and his other hand holding mine, our fingers intertwined. "She's with me, you idiot. Because you hurt her, she would rather be with a person that understands her pain better. Unlike you who just added to her sufferings," Gilbert said, taking to Roderich. Eli barked once. I smiled and nodded as I looked at Roderich.

"Go and find someone your own type," I told him. Roderich frowned as he looked angry at first. But in the end, he just walked off with the bouquet of flowers in his hand. "You know I'm not just your hero on the Internet," Gilbert said with a sheepish grin on his face. "I-Idiot," I said with a smile on my face as we continued walking Eli.

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