Chapter 14: The Apologies

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Elizabeta's POV

When I looked up at the ceiling, it felt pointless. Mom came into my room and fed Eli and took him out of my room. I decided to close my eyes for a while and fell into a quiet nap. It was probably the most peaceful thing today.

*time skip*

My alarm clock rang as I sprang up from my position and grabbed my frying pan. I rolled my eyes when I saw the time and the date on my calendar. "Great. I slept," I muttered and got rid of my bed head and hopped into the shower.

Once I was freshened up, I went back to my room, hopefully my friends or dad were online. If not then I would have nothing to do. I opened up my laptop to see a single message from Gilbert.

I'm sorry.

I nodded as I shut off my laptop and walked out of the house. "Mom I'm going to walk the dog!" I exclaimed and put Eli on a leash and then got a dog poop bag. I sighed as I got my set of keys and walked out of the house. When I got to the sidewalk, there was more words written on the pavement.


I raised one eyebrow as I followed the trail of words that said the same thing over and over again. I'm sorry. I followed the trail as Eli was sniffing the path of chalk-written letters. It wasn't long before the path changed a bit.

From regular chalk to red rose petals on the  ground. I raised one eyebrow as I wanted to almost stop walking on the path. But it was to the park and Eli seemed to be attracted to the scent of roses on the group. I sighed as I continued to follow the path for the dog's sake.

"Why would there be rose petals in an area of dog poop?" I muttered and looked down at the odd trail of rose petals and chalk riding on the grey sidewalk. Or the supposed-to-be grey sidewalk. Now it's filled with things the Francis would have written.

Eli suddenly stopped walking on the path when we reached the park. I rolled my eyes and was about to go back to the house or to a different park. I took my eyes off of the trail of ish and looked at the park to see what Eli had possibly sensed.

My eyes widened when I saw an albino standing right in front of me with flowers in his hands matching the petals on the ground. He had a note attached to the flowers and had another message.

I'm sorry

It was written in a dark black. I looked up at Gilbert who had a serious expression on his face. "I don't know how many times I've said it but for all of the times I did, I meant it. I'm sorry, Liz," Gilbert said with an apologetic expression.

"I'm sorry, too," I said quickly after him. Gilbert nodded as he gave me the flowers. "The real question is, do you forgive me?" Gilbert asked. I nodded and lightly smiled. "Of course I do! Y-You...idiot..," I said and grinned. Gilbert smiled as I saw the real him with a cheeky grin.

Gilbert walked up to me giving me what could have been a bone-crushing hug. I didn't need to gasp for air because, as much as it was, I felt the pain that he felt. I gladly returned the hug back to him with my chin resting on his shoulders.

"I don't want to fight again. It feels horrible. I don't want to...," Gilbert said, trailing off and almost sounding like he was when he was a kid as I nodded. "Agreed," I told him and smiled. "I wanted to say I'm sorry as much as you did," I told him with honesty.

We released each other from the tight hug and looked at each other, locked into our gazes. It wasn't long before Eli started to excitedly yap and spin around. I sighed and petted his fur. "Okay. As promised I'll walk you," I told him and laughed.

Eli stood on his hind legs and barked. After that he started to pant with his tongue sticking out. I laughed and nodded as I first walked back to the house and put the flowers in my room. Then I walked with Gilbert and Eli back to the park so that he dog could do his business.

The three of us kept on walking and walking on the sidewalk of the park. Eli clearly happy. Gilbert and I were, too with each other at our side. Our fingers laced together as the summer breeze blew on our faces.

"I'm planning on...staying here," Gilbert said with that cheeky grin of his. "I'm glad you are," I told him and smiled as Eli seemed to have "done his business". "You pick it up," I told Gilbert and handed him the dog pop bag. Gilbert just laughed and nodded.

"Of course my princess," Gilbert said and bent down to pick it up. He threw it away as we were just sitting on the benches with Eli resting next to us on patches of green grass at the park. Gilbert and I were just staring at the sunrise that painted the sky pink.

"It seems pretty peaceful right now. And it was just a day ago we were fighting," Gilbert said and rested his arm around me and let out a small chuckle. I nodded as I folded my hands on my lap like a casual person.

"Can we stay like this, Gil?" I asked him. He faced at me with a confused expression on his face. "Like, what? You know I'm not very smart," Gilbert said. I nodded as I looked at him and smiled. "You know, like a normal couple. Trading I love yous, buying each other gifts, giving each other surprises. And if you can, then maybe not hurting each other," I told Gilbert.

He gave me a quick peck on the lips and looked at me with a playful expression on his face.

"Of course I can. Anything for you," Gilbert said as we traded smiles. "I love you, Gil," I told him. He nodded. "I love you too, Liz," he said as we continued to stare at the sunrise, feeling like regular happy people.

And this continued like he said...

The End

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