Chapter 9: The Problems

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Elizabeta's POV

After that awkward moment when Roderich was there, I walked back home with Gilbert who refused to leave my side. "Where's Ludwig and your grandpa?" I asked Gilbert. He shook his head. "Gramps is still in Germany. Ludwig's with Feliciano," Gilbert said and snickered. I raised on eyebrow.


"Oh," I just said and felt like laughing like crazy. I twisted the doorknob and entered inside my house while my mom still seemed overloaded with work. I took Eli upstairs since he already did his business in the park. I sighed and sat on the floor Indian-Style and opened my computer.

"Is this how you treat a guest when they just come here?" Gilbert asked. I rolled my eyes as I faced him. My eyes away from my computer. I sighed and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. Gilbert smirked. "What?" I asked him.

"Still not how you treat a guest who is as awesome as me," Gilbert said still smirking. I rolled my eyes and planted a quick kiss on his lips and turned away, blushing. Gilbert laughed again. "Kesesese! That's not how you treat your awesome boyfriend who just flew from Germany and you haven't seen in 2 years!" Gilbert exclaimed.

"What do you want?" I asked him and crossed my arms, training my eyes back to my computer screen. I went on Skype and looked through the caller list. I saw that Kiku was active. Besides, I heard he had some problems with Mei.

"Hello? Liz to Gil!" Gilbert exclaimed. I raised one eyebrow and looked at him. Still grinning like an idiot. I was one click away from calling Kiku but instead Gilbert completely shut my computer and gave me a smirk. "Still not as awesome as me? I'll show you how it's done!" Gilbert exclaimed.

Author: This is not a lemon

He had pinned me to the ground with his hand on my wrist. His other hand stroking my cheek. I gulped as I realized that my blushing meter turned red. He was still smirking as he kissed me.

It was quite a long kiss but it felt a bit, passionate. No tongue though. Thank God. I was able to enjoy the kiss for a while then the real Elizabeta I had in me was back.

Elizabeta: Wait, what the hell am I doing?

My eyes shot open as I used my other hand to open my laptop and click onto the caller's list and called Kiku. I quickly pulled away from Gilbert and hugged my knees, looking as red as one of Lovino's tomatoes. "Herro, Erizabeta, Girbert," Kiku said in his weird Japanese accent he has.

"Hey you know how you and Mei are, really um, cousins or brother and sister? Right?" I asked him. Kiku tried his best not to show any emotions on it but a frown was slightly curved on his mouth. "I don't rearry care that we're cousins. Because I don't mind incest at arr," Japan said. I raised one eyebrow.

"But it's my Sakura that doesn't rike it at arr," Kiku said and fully frowning. I glanced at Gilbert who seemed shocked. I didn't tell him about what happened with Mei and Kiku yet. "Besides I don't even get how we're sibrings if my rast name is Honda and her's is Wang," Kiku said.

"But then I don't think it's incest. Your a-," I quickly shushed Gilbert. I knew about Kiku. But he didn't know about it himself. He never knew who his real family was. I sighed and gave Kiku a reassuring look.

"If you two love each other that much, I'm sure that Mei can get past her pet peeve," I told him. I was suddenly getting a call from dad on Skype. "I have to go but you should resolve things with Mei," I told him. Kiku had suddenly smiled which I never see him do as he waved. "Arigato," he said as I clicked on my dad's icon as his camera was on.

"Hey, Elizabeta! I saw that friend of yours! Man, he's really grown up!" Dad exclaimed. I turned on my camera and gave him a smile. His eyes widened in shock. "That's-" "Yes, dad that's him," I told him.

"Hi, Mr. Herdervary," Gilbert said and waved. Dad sat there still, his eyes still wide. "Wait so are you two-" "Yes, dad," I said. Dad quickly stood up and started cheering like it was New Year. "YES!!!! My daughter has a boyfriend!" He exclaimed and quickly sat down with a stern look on his face.

"But you have to take care of my daughter if and show that you have responsibility that you will not do any physical harassment to my daughter. Shall I make a rule book? I will make a rule book if you don't treat my daughter with the respect she deserves. And you better not be like that Roderich Edel-Fancy-Pants that broke her heart for no apparent reason and to please be there for her when I can't and-"

"Dad. I think he gets it," I told him. Dad took a deep breath and gave a fatherly smile. "Okay. Just take good care of her because her father can't be there for her on this little screen all the time," dad said. Gilbert nodded and put his arm around me for a second time.

"Don't worry sir. I'm nothing like Roderich after what he did," Gilbert said to my dad giving a reassuring smile. "I guess that we could get along very well. And I wouldn't have to bring out my frying pan on you," dad said and lowered his vital weapon.

I chuckled and glanced at mine that was sitting on my bed. I could almost see tears glisten from my dad's eyes. "I really wish I could be there with you and your mother, Elizabeta," dad said. All of a sudden Eli had crawled on my lap. "Hey you got a dog?" Dad asked and wiped his tears. I smiled and nodded.

"Gil gave it to me," I told him. Dad gave a reassuring smile and looked at Gilbert. "Remember what I said," dad said. Gilbert nodded. "I have to go now for another meeting. Bye!" He exclaimed and waved. I waved at him as he hung up.

"Hey, what is it boy?" I asked him and stroked the fur on his head. He was suddenly tired and whimpered a little as he closed his eyes. "Don't worry he always does that," Gilbert said. Suddenly Gilbert started fake snoring and rested his head on my shoulder. My eyes widened as I looked at him sleeping on my shoulder. I rolled my eyes and tousled his hair a bit.

"Night, Gil," I told him and got onto my laptop and started playing music.

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