(Bookstore Barista) Sam X Reader

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Oh so fluffy! Enjoy!

Y/N-Your Name

Y/E/C-Your Eye Color

You trained your eyes on the old clock above the door hoping that the end of your shift at the bookstore/coffee shop would end soon. It had been a long and tedious workday and all you wanted was to go home and take a shower.

"Hey Y/N do you think you could close the store tonight? I know you have fifteen minutes left of your shift but my sisters kids have a dance recital tonight for their Christmas Blowout thing or whatever. Please?", Your friend and coworker Brendan leaned over the counter you're standing behind to give you puppy eyes.

Why me?

You nod after staring at him for a moment to process his words. Two more hours of only a few customers milling the place aggravatingly for you then. You sigh and pull your glasses off to rub the bridge of your nose as Brendan leaves shouting enthusiastic goodbyes.

"Whatever.", You grumble wiping the counter off with a wet rag.

Customers come and go leisurely as you tap your nails against the counter in an annoyed manner. Only a few order coffee or snacks and sit down to stay while the others come up to you and pay for books they want to buy.

Less than forty minutes later the last customer leaves and you decide to close down early. Suddenly the bell above the door chimes and you look up to see a young shaggy haired guy enter. He darts into an aisle and reappears a few moments later with two or three books in hand. This stranger plops down on a sad looking sofa and flips open the top book scanning the first page.

"Do you need anything sir?", You watch him perk up and stare at you for a few seconds.

"Huh, oh no I'm fine. Just looking for something that might help me with...a news article I'm writing.", He pushes his hair out of his face.

"Okay, the store closes in about forty-five minutes by the way.", You chirp the lie but only because you want to go home so badly.

A little while later as your humming and putting some cups away on a high up shelf you hear footsteps. You turn to see the shaggy haired boy at the counter smiling faintly.

"Could I get a cup of hot chocolate please?", His lips curl up into an attractive smile as you look down and nod.

He's really friggin' attractive, wonder how old he is...

"Would you like any whipped cream or marshmallows?", You ask quietly.

"Which do you prefer?", His deep voice chuckles as you turn to stare at him.

"I like mine with whipped cream and chocolate sauce...", You trail off with a confused expression.

"I'll have that then.", He flexes his hands on the counter still smiling.

You get to fixing his drink and you drizzle a little extra chocolate on his than you'd normally do. With slightly shaking hands you hand him the mug of steaming cocoa and he hands you a five dollar bill. You hand it back to him shaking your head with a small smile.

"It's on me, enjoy...", You pause waiting for him to maybe introduce himself.

"Sam, Sam's my name.", His ever present smile throws you into knots as he silently makes his way back to his seat.

After another ten minutes and no one else enters the small book crammed store you decide to shut everything but the lights down and go to sit in an old rocking chair across from Sam. His hazel-green eyes snap up to meet your Y/E/C ones and your face flushes a pale pink.

"You never told me your name.", Sam says.

You sit there in silence examining the suddenly very interesting rugs patch-working the entire stores floor. When he speaks your head swivels to look at him through your lashes.

"Y/N.", You mumble shyly.

"Hmm?", Sam quirks up an eyebrow as he smiles at you with extremely white teeth.

"Y/N.", You say again but louder this time.

"Cute name.", Sam smirks eyeing your vintage t-shirt and ratty jeans.

The two of you fall into a comfortable silence as Sam returns to his books. You pick at your nails out of boredom and sigh to yourself inaudibly. As Sam flips through page after page you wonder what he's reading and decide to steal the book from his intent stare.

Snatching up the book in your small hands. You skim through the page he was on and realize he's been reading old German legends about a creature named Krampus. You look at him and begin laughing quietly to yourself watching him blush.

"You're in a bah humbug mood aren't you?", You ask looking outside at the snowy streets.

Remembering the name Krampus from stories your grandpa had told you as a child from when him and his parents had lived in Germany for a few years when he was little you smile. Sam gives you an astonished look.

"I'm just working on an article for my column in the newspaper a few towns over and I heard this was the best shop to find crazy lore.", His words tremble a bit.

"Well my family is German, Krampus was one of my bedtime stories when I was being a brat.", You giggle at the memories of the silly faces your grandpa made when he told he story.

"Do you know a lot about him then?", Sam tugs you and the book over to be next to him on the sofa.

"Well there are many different theories on where he came from. My grandpa preferred the more Greek and Norse versions of him. In Greek mythology he was a half demon half goat man that would beat and drag naughty children to Hell. In Norse mythology though, he was a son of the goddess Hel, and she was a daughter of Loki so...", You shrug.

"These books say he was a German figure for the anti-Claus, sticking kids in bags and carrying them around with him while he collected more poor children.", Sam frowns closing the thick volume in his lap.

"Like I said, there's more than one theory on where he came from, but not only that, what he did also.", You look over at the clock and realize it's closing time.

"Thanks for the help Y/N.", Sam gets up after noticing the time as well.

"No problem, if you need anymore help just come back and I can tell you more about that silly old story.", You wave goodbye to him and put the books he'd gotten out away in their proper places.

A book slides off of a shelf a couple of aisles away and you go to put it away when the title catches your eye.



Whew, first chapter is done! Hope you liked young Sam's little trip to the bookstore. Sorry if it sucked but I like it so boohoo princess, I'm sorry your feelings got hurt! I love you guys, whoever may be reading this,. I think I'll call you guys my little Samwiches! ❤️😵😋💜😉😄💗😁😭💖😝😆💘

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