(Bookstore Barista) Sam X Reader Part Two

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Hi my little Samwiches! This is a continuation of the first chapter about Sam, I loved it so much that I felt it needed a little more detail and flirtation. This might be by far my favorite X Reader so far, its cute and shows a little bit of my own character traits in the readers. My family was brought up on German roots and my grandpa loved to tell me stories as a child. Sorry for boring you to death with a little tidbit of my life, I just wanted to explain where the idea came from. I know its past Christmas but this one is gonna take place pretty damn close to Christmas day. Enjoy this chapter and remember, I'm not the best writer so don't come down on me too hard for any mistakes. Love you guys!


You unlock the frost covered glass door of the bookstore/coffee shop and it swings inwards making the bell chime. The smell of the old books and lemon furniture polish from last night permeates your nose and you sigh happily. This place is like a second home to you and just the smell is comforting enough for you to relax and smile at the fact that you got a call from Brendan at six in the morning to open the store for him. Apparently he got some sort of stomach bug from dinner after that Christmas thing for his sisters kids. You spend an hour prepping the coffee machines, snack bar, and wiping down all the tables and counters. The doorbell rings out as the door opens and sends a chill your way, you turn to find a battered Sam standing in the doorway.

"What in the actual Hell, Sam what happened?!", You rush to his side as another guy runs in and slams the door shut.

"Where'd that book of the German Krampus legends go?", He slurs collapsing down onto one of the couches.

"I'll go get it when you tell me what's going on.", You stare at him and the other guy terrified.

"Please Y/N.", Sam begs and you give in running down one of the aisles to search for the book.

You find it and take it to the shorter guy, he's taller than you by far, but he's definitely shorter than Sam. He passes it off to Sam and he begins flipping through the pages rapidly, you notice blood matted in Sam's hair and you walk over to him examining the side of his head. A small gash is oozing sappy blood and you step over to the counter grabbing a clean rag and wetting it with warm water. Walking back over to his side You press the cloth to his head startling him, he calms down after a few seconds and continues reading. After a few minutes he shoots to his feet and snags the other guys sleeve.

"Dean, I found something that might be able to kill him.", Sam whispers.

"What is it?", Dean asks readily and his brother looks over at you then mumbles something under his breath.

"What? Kill who? Sam what's happening?", You stumble over your words as questions fly through your head.

"Okay Y/N listen, we don't work for a paper. We're hunters. We take down all the bad guys and monsters before they can harm anymore people.", Dean says gruffly and I huff rolling my eyes.

"Mhm, and I can grow gills and breath underwater.", You snap feeling tears prick at the backs of your eyes.

"Dean is serious Y/N.", Sam sighs reaching out to pull you towards him.

"Okay, and if I believe you. Does this mean your hunting an old myth that was used to scare kids into being good?", You ask and let him pull you into his arms.

"Yes, we're hunting Krampus, but he isn't a myth.", Sam rubs your back and you wipe your tears stepping away.

"Alright what do you need to kill him?", You square your shoulders to give off a brave facade.

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