(A Love Connection) Crowley X Reader

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This is gonna be my first Crowley X Reader and I am honestly a tad bit nervous, I don't know if it'll be good enough for you marvelous readers. If you dislike it and hate me after this chapter then I am so very sorry for making you feel that way, I love you Samwiches and don't want to hurt you perfect people. Please comment your opinion when you've finished reading, I really want to know how you guys feel. @LukeTheOlympian I especially want to hear stuff from you, whether it's at school or on here. Please check him out and read one of his newest stories, Heroes V. Heroes (MarvelVSDCFanfic)!!!!!



As you're reading up on news reports in the Men Of Letters bunker about a possible Wendigo attack out in Virginia, you hear your phone ring from the other side of the room by the computer. Standing up and stretching so that your back pops you shuffle over to grab your phone just as it stops ringing and you silently curse yourself for being so slow. Looking at who it is you find it to be a private number and you frown looking around to see if the guys are around before hitting the call back button. It rings a few times before a familiar voice rings out on the other side and you smile to yourself biting your lip, staying silent for a few seconds to get up the courage to speak you hear him say hello a few times.

"H-hi...", You shiver uncontrollably as you wait for him to reply.

"Ahh love, I've been trying to get ahold of you for the past week. None of your usual numbers are working, I had to use a few minions to get hold of the records for your new cellphone.", Crowley says in a cool tone and you clear your throat before speaking again.

"Sorry, Sam and Dean said we needed to dump all of our old phones and get new ones. Something about someone was trying to track...us through...them...", You pause and it all clicks.

"What have you done this time?", You ask abruptly and listen as Crowley chuckles from the other end of the call and you roll your eyes out of agitation.

"I haven't done anything, it's those denim wrapped nightmares that have done wrong. They killed my lieutenant and they promised they'd stop killing my henchmen if I left them alone, and I really have no reason to go after them but that really made me mad when I found out she was dead.", He sighs and your eyes narrow.

"She...was she pretty?", You inquire through gritted teeth.

"Not really, she preferred some of the more inconspicuous and heavier set meat-suits. You're still my one and only love Y/N.", He explains and you can practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"Okay good...and Sam and Dean can't know that we've been...-", You begin saying but Crowley finishes for you.

"-Courting each other, dancing a frisky tango, making love in the shadows where they can't see us.", He lists and you snort rubbing the bridge of your nose in exasperation.

"Yeah...that.", You mumble then turn as the door of the library creaks open loudly.

"What was that?", Crowley asks and you whisper a quiet goodbye then hang up.

"Hey who was that?", Sam asks as he shuts the door and comes to sit next to you.

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