(Freezing Nights) Adam X Reader

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Please have fun with this one, it's a little random I know but I love it. I think it might be one of my favorites right now!

You paced the shag carpeted hotel room chewing on your nubby nails with worry. The boys had disappeared nearly a day ago with no trace of where they'd gone. Plopping down on the lumpy bed you scream into a pillow falling backwards. You grab your phone and dial Sam's number for the twentieth time and listen as it rings and rings until his voice mail chimes in.

"Sammy, whatever has happened, if you're okay now then the next time I see you...you won't be!", You growl the last part angrily then hang up and sniffle.

You decide to lay down for a little bit and doze off for an hour or so when a harsh knocking on he door wakes you. Sitting up groggily you shuffle to the door as the knocking comes with a distorted shout this time. You unlock it and Dean rushes to get you out of the way as Sam carries a crumpled heap of a person in after him. Sam sets the guy down on your bed and rifles through the bathroom to find your emergency kit.

"What happened to you guys? Who's that and why didn't you take them to a hospital?!", You cry slamming the door shut.

"H-he's...remember how we told you about our half-brother?", Dean says after a small pause.

"Adam, what does this have to do with him? You said he was gone, dead or in the pit.", You kneel down beside the bed and push the thin boys matted and blood caked hair out of his face.

"He showed up out of nowhere and attacked us, but he wasn't meaning to. He screamed that he'd escaped when he noticed it was us and not monsters or other hunters and collapsed.", Dean rushes out and your eyes widen ever so slightly.

You return your gaze to the blonde boy as he shifts and Sam returns with the kit to fix up a couple of deep gashes of Adam's face and arms. Standing up to get out of the way you stumble to the door and yank it open then step outside to take a calming breath. Dean joins you after a few minutes placing a hand on your shoulder.

"We don't want to believe it but it is him. We tested him with everything we could think of and had on hand. Sam doesn't think it's really him but I do, it has to be.", Dean takes a rattling breath.

"Really, even in this world of ours? He could be a clone or something.", You mutter not wanting to encourage him to get his hopes up.

Sam calls from in the room and you follow Dean back inside. Adam is curled up into a ball asleep but seemingly okay. Sam stands up and tosses wads of bloody gauze and cotton balls into the trash bin. His hands are visibly shaking and you hug him tightly looking over at the frail figure on the bed.

"He's gonna be fine, blood loss and dehydration sent him into crazy town and he tried to bite me but he'll be better in the morning.", He squeezes you for a split second.


"Y/N! Adam! Hurry your slow asses up now or that damn wending is gonna rip you two to shreds!", Dean screams at the two of you almost a year after Adam appeared out of no where.

He had woken up with short-term memory loss and didn't remember escaping the cage some how but you and the boys didn't care. He did remember a feeling of being grabbed but that was it, nothing else. At first he was angry at the guys for not saving him, but after you talking to him he forgave them and moved on.

"Moving as fast as possible with a hurt ankle!", Adam yells back at his half-brother as you huff and puff trying to keep up with him so he doesn't fall over.

"Stupid-long legged-assholes...", You wheeze grabbing Adam's arm as he trips over some tree roots and you both end up in a thick and scruffy bush.

Adam's lips part to say something but you clamp your hand over his mouth and drag him further back into the huge and prickly bush. Wriggling out the other side you pull him to his feet and continue running through the dark tree filled night. His hand finds yours and you run in sync, hopping over various obstacles like hurdle jumpers or psychotic rabbits. With all the strength the two of you can muster you climb over a large boulder and jump off the edge of a water fall hoping to lose the hideous wendigo.

As you plummet towards the rushing water you feel Adam pull you into his chest and you impact together. The icy water rushes all around you making you think up is down and left is right. The only thing that keeps you from freaking out and thrashing around is Adam's strong arms around you as the two of you breach the surface. Coughing up torrents of water you paddle towards a rock at the edge of the adjoining river.

"Y/N.", Adam whispers and pulls you behind the rock pointing up.

"What Ada-oh!", You squeak looking up yonder the wendigo at the edge of the water fall looking down.

"Shh, he won't find us.", He responds in a shaky tone and pulls you into his lap.

A few hours pass and the wendigo eventually leaves snarling loudly. Adam sighs in relief and buries his head in your shoulder laughing. Giving him a strange look you slip your arms around him happily. You'd had a crush on him for a while now and being this close now was driving you nuts. Shivering uncontrollably you climb to your feet bringing Adam with you.

"We need to find Sam and Dean before we freeze to death.", You comment as the two of you walk close beside each other through the woods.

"They've probably killed that thing by now so we should be fine looking around for them.", Adam sighs limping along beside you.

"You gonna be okay Adam?", You pause as he abruptly leans into you and nearly collapses.

"Alright man, you need to push a little further. I think I heard something!", You step through a crack between two rocks and help Adam through.

"Adam! Y/N! Where'd you guys go! We lost sight of you and the wendigo kind of just ran off into some bushes. We found it by a waterfall.", Sam shouts tossing a gun into the back of the Impala.

"A waterfall.", You hiss shaking visibly.

"Oh, OH!", Dean cries and helps you to the car shoving you into the backseat.

Adam crawls in after you and Sam tosses a few blankets in for you. Huddling up under the layers with Adam you sigh and lean against him. He mumbles something under his breath and you look at him with bleary eyes.

"What?", You murmur placing your head on his shoulder tiredly

"It was nothing Y/N.", He looks at you and bites his lip worriedly.

"Just tell me.", You demand and after a few seconds he gives you a defeated look.

"I said we might warm up faster if we have less soaking wet clothes on.", He whispers as the brothers climb in the front and start the car.

"Oh.", You say mentally screaming in happiness.

"Maybe.", You continue thoughtfully and he gives you a shocked look.

His hands fumble with the buttons of his jacket and he peels it off tossing it onto the floor. You discard yours as well then take off your sopping wet undershirt and boot cut jeans. Adam wriggles around next to you and once the two of you are down to just under garments you pull the blankets up to your chins. With a small laugh Adam pulls you into his body and your back touches his chest as you rearrange yourselves to get comfortable.

"Better?", Adam smirks stuffing his face into the crook of your neck.

"Mhm...", You smile realizing how he really feels about you.

The cold leaves your body and is replaced with a tingly warm sensation.



Yay, another chapter written and posted for your viewing pleasure. I love you guys, my little Samwiches! I'll be posting again soon with a new character being added to my list of X Reader's. So far we have Sam, Dean, Charlie, and now Adam! Many more to come my dears, have a great day and remember that you're all special! 😁😂😱😵😝😋💞❣💝💜💖❤️💗💘💕


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