(Big Trouble With Little Kevin) Osric X Reader

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Yayyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! Osric is so adorkable, is it bad that I kinda ship him with Hilly Hindi from The Hillywood Show? When they did the Supernatural parody and I watched the behind the scenes and video diary of Dean thing and they said their goodbyes and hugged, it was so adorably cheeky and cute. And he kind of had to smack her ass for one of the scenes a million times to get it perfect...which it was!!!!! If you haven't heard of The Hillywood Show or haven't seen the Supernatural parody then please go check them out now, or when you're done with the chapter. It's your choice after all haha, please enjoy my perfect Samwiches.



"Hurry up we need to get our bags and find a hotel!", Osric clings to your wrist as he drags you through the terminal to the bag pick up and quickly scoops up your bags and tosses them at you.

"Calm down babe, we have plenty of time to see everything since we're gonna be here for nearly a month.", You point out as you catch your bags and watch him snatch his up then turn to you with a huge grin.

"Sorry Y/N...I'm just so excited to be here, it's gonna be amazing.", He chirps adjusting his bags so he can carry them and hold your hand at the same time.

"It's okay Osric.", You ruffle up his hair as you venture towards the exit to hail a taxi or find a rental car.

After twenty minutes a taxi cab shows up and the two of you are on your way to a hotel you'd already rebooked a room at. Osric pays the driver and thanks him in broken Japanese and the guy gives Osric a weird look, you giggle then grab your bags and enter the humongous building looking around for the front desk. Osric again speaks in broken Japanese and manages to get the keys to your room and you wave to the girl at the front desk with a large smile plastered to your lips. Riding an elevator up to the thirty-third floor you step out into a neon leopard print hallway and stare in amazement at the wall made of glass showing off the view that all the room probably have. Gorgeous. Your sweet boyfriend jumps excitedly down the hall looking for room 342, when he finds it he motions for you to join him as he unlocks and pushes the doors open. The lights flicker on automatically to reveal a lush living room completely furnished with a long prim looking couch, a giant tv plastered to the wall, a glass balcony looking down on a small park, and a table decked out with a fresh smorgasbord of food.

"Oh my...Osric this is amazing!", You gape then turn to a door off to your left.

"I know right?!", Osric opens the door and it leads into a clean and sparkling bathroom with a giant hot tub and one of those auto toilets.

"Where the bedroom?", You set your bags on the couch and kick your shoes off looking for another door.

"Here.", Osric turns a corner and shouts.

Following his voice you round the corner and gasp at the ornately decorated door as OSric pushes it open. A lush looking bed takes up a quarter of the room, covered in gauzy blankets and plump pillows it beckons to you and Osric. You grab his hand and jump at the bed landing atop your perfect and shy boyfriend, he looks up at you with a tender expression and sits up wrapping his arms around your waist. His lips connect with yours for a brief kiss and you can tell that his plans for sight seeing are halted, for tonight at least. You climb off of him and go to grab your bags, another bathroom branches off of the bedroom and you change into a pair of short shorts and a crop top with flowers on it. Osric is lying on the bed in a pair of plaid pajama pants and no shirt, the sight pleases you greatly and you pull a set of curtains back to reveal yet another window and the light from all the neon signs on the buildings outside shines in as you hop onto the bed next to Osric.

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