(New Clothes) Samandiriel X Reader

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Samandriel is quite possibly my favorite angel on the road so far lmao. This one is fluffy and cute like him so...hope everyone likes it and all around enjoys the feels it may cause you to feel.


He had shown up nearly a month ago in that horrible uniform. It was in tatters and covered in mysterious stains, some looked like blood. Samandriel had somehow been resurrected and had found you because you had once been his vessels best friend. You missed Alfie, but you knew he was in a better place because of this angel so you welcomed him with open arms.

It was hard for you to look at him and not think of him as Alfie but as soon as he'd open his mouth you'd know it wasn't him anymore. Samandriel was way too proper and shy, Alfie had always been a jokester type of person.
This angel on the other hand, like others you'd met because of the Winchester brothers, had no real sense of humor. He especially didn't get whenever you flirted with him, you didn't know why you did, it just felt right.

Today as you were coming home from getting groceries you noticed that the angel wasn't in his usual spot on the couch waiting for you. You put the cold groceries away and left the rest on the counter then went in search of him. Looking in the basement and den you couldn't find him so you sighed, figuring that he was off on some sort of angelic business. Walking to your room you opened the door to find Samandriel standing in front of your mirror examining his crummy outfit.

"Andi! What are you doing in my room you goofball?", You giggled exuberantly using his nickname you'd given him.

"I was looking at my attire, it's beginning to look very ragged.", He tells you in a matter-o-fact tone.

"Okay, you can borrow something of Dean's that he left here when he fractured his wrist a while back.", You rifle through a drawer and hand him a pair of too big jeans and a flannel.

"These don't fit me.", He observes and you roll your eyes.

"That's why we're gonna go shopping after you change.", You smirk handing him a belt to keep his pants up.

"Will I get to pick them out?", He smiles brightly running a hand through his messy short hair.

"With a little help, but mostly yes.", You push him into the bathroom so he can change and after twenty minutes he comes out and nods that he's ready.


After perusing aisle after aisle of clothes in Goodwill to no avail you sigh and turn to Samandriel. He shakes his head and you leave the Goodwill and decide to splurge on the poor guy and take his hand leading him back to the car. You drive a couple towns over until you find what you're looking for. A Hollister sign comes into view and you take the designated turn then find a parking spot relatively close to the entrance.

"Alright, this is a really nice place to get clothes but it ain't cheap Andi. Be careful and check tags when you like something. If a worker here asks you any questions about having a membership say you already have one and walk away, got it?", You climb out and lock the doors of your beat up old truck.

"Yes Y/N.", Samandriel bounces on the balls of his feet and you decide to grab his hand to lead him towards the store like a child but he doesn't seem to mind.

Immediately you are greeted by workers and you mumble polite hellos to them dragging a perky Samandriel away towards the men's section of the store. He stares at the various different racks of shirts pants and other things like that but You turn and walk towards the women's section to find a new pair of leggings because your old ones are beginning to get holey. Twenty minutes later you hear Samandriel give an excited shout and you run back to where you'd left him.

"I found something's I like and it isn't over a hundred dollars Y/N!", He screeches and runs into a changing room with an arm full of clothing.

He steps out a few minutes later in black skinny jeans, a muscle shirt covered in muscle cars, and a grey beanie over his light brown hair. Your jaw drops and you let out a tiny gasp of shock. His smile turns into a frown and he looks at himself suddenly unsure of the outfit.

"Do you dislike it?", He whines and you shake you head with a grin.

"It's amazing, what else did you find?", You ask and he goes back into the changing stall.

Samandriel pushes the door open and reveals himself in acid wash skinny jeans, a dark grey sweatshirt with the number twelve on it and a black beanie. Again you gape at him but this time he knows you like it and returns to the stall to change again. This time he's wearing the same beanie and jeans but now he has on a white collared short sleeved button up.

"You look, Samandriel you just, God.", You try to grasp the right words but your mind draws a blank.

"So you like this one too?", He runs forward and throws his arms around your waist.

"Samandriel!", You cry out happily as he twirls you around and you pull away reluctantly.

"Alright we need to get you socks and underwear.", You shove him back into the changing room and wait for him to change.

The two of you make your way over to some shelves of boxers and briefs and he ends up picking out three or four pairs of each in dark colors. You grab a pack of socks and he begs you for a bow tie and you give in. His adorable pleading eyes turn you into mush and by the time you're up at the register you have almost two hundred dollars worth of stuff. You pay and make sure he doesn't see or hear the price so he doesn't feel guilty. You walk out to the car with various bags and stuff then behind your seats then leave the crowded parking lot.

"Get changed when we get home and then we can go out for dinner.", You lean forward in your seat as the light turns green and you press on the gas.

"Okay Y/N, whatever you want.", He gushes and after a few hesitant seconds he places one of his hands on your thigh unexpectedly.

He's too innocent & adorable to understand what he's doing to you...


How was it? Please comment your feelings! I love hearing from people, I love opinions and ideas! See you again soon my little Samwiches!!!!!!!!!! 😂😍💞💗💖❤️💘💝💕💜❣😈😱😋😁😘😵


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