(Hunka Hunka Burnin' Love) Castiel X Reader

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My first Cas X Reader, Yay!!!!!!!!!! This one is going to be smutty like a few of the others and I hope you thoroughly enjoy it, I certainly will. This one is actually loosely based off of a trip I took through Memphis Tennessee to North Carolina. Time to visit Elvis Presley's The Heartbreak Hotel!



"Come on Dean, we're all dead tired. Just stop somewhere here, it isn't gonna kill you to stay one night in Elvis' hometown.", You snap crossing your arms over your chest as you argue with your best friend.

"It actually could, he might rise up and chew on my head cause I ain't a fan of his.", Dean huffs turning off of the highway heading straight through Memphis.

"You've been in this job for way too long, right Sam?", You decide to drag Sam into the argument because he's been sitting there silently watching.

"I'm not part of this, but if I were...I'd be on Y/N's side Dean. We've been on the road for almost two and a half days, you haven't slept in that same amount of time, and we haven't seen Cas in a week. Maybe if we stop we can pray to him for help and he'll come.", Sam tries to reason with his brother.

The oldest Winchester stays silent for a few minutes then nods his head and turns into the parking lot of the first hotel he sees. Which just so happens to be The Heartbreak Hotel, a completely Elvis themed hotel for Elvis addicts. Dean parks and tosses me my bag from the back then leads Sam and I to the front desk. A pretty dark haired woman stands up from behind the desk when she sees the two amazingly attractive boys, when her eyes zero in on you though, they turn cold. She returns her gaze to Dean and grins way too widely for it to be natural.

"How may I help you sir?", She croons leaning on the desktop.

"We need two rooms ma'am, one with two queens for my brother and I, and a single for my best friend here.", He hugs you tightly and you flash her an evil smile hugging him back.

"Well, we can get you room with the two queens but I'm afraid the only other single bed room is the Burnin' Love Suite.", She smirks as she watches Dean with a glint in her eyes.

"Then we'll take it and be on our way in the morning, is that okay with you Y/N?", Sam turns to you and you shrug your shoulders not really caring.

"Yeah sure!", You giggle and after the woman reluctantly hands you your key you walk away swaying your hips to the beat of the music playing lightly throughout the lobby.

The three of you take the stairs to the second floor and venture down the hall, your room is up on the fourth floor but you want to know where the guys will be if you get into any trouble or vice versa. Sam asks if you'd like to hang out for a while but you decline and say you're going up to the room to order food and sleep. You say goodnight and walk the rest of the stairs up to the fourth floor, you can already tell which room is yours based on the way the door looks. Towards the end of the hall there is a bright red door with gold painted trim and a set of golden angels around the name. You unlock it and step inside before letting the door click shut and you look around in surprise.

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