(Setting Boundaries) Samandiriel X Reader

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This one is gonna be smutty so good luck guys. I'm a smut reader myself and I hate it when people write crappy smut so tell me if its bad and I'll do better on the next one. 💘😭😆😂😄😍🤘🏻✌🏼


You woke up that morning with an odd feeling in the pit of your stomach. Ignoring it you moved on with your day and got up dressing for work. The tight black v-neck shirt and dark grey skinny jeans complimented your every curve. You brushed your long dark hair up into a ponytail and brushed your mouth free of that terrible morning breath taste.

Slipping into a pair of black stilettos you grabbed your phone and stuffed it in your purse with your car keys as you walked out the door. Locking it then giving a cautious smile to the neighbor across the street you strutted to your black mustang and climbed in turning it on. The music blared from the speakers at an earsplitting level but it didn't bother you.

This is gonna be a good day, hopefully...

With a huge grin you revved the engine and pulled out of your driveway. Headed towards the Mainstreet of town you stopped at a light and decided to apply a little bit of make up. As the light turned green you hit the gas and zoomed forward reaching your destination in minutes. You pulled into a parking spot in front of CorkScrew, the only decent bar/restaurant in town.

"Morning Y/N.", The manager winked at you but you just rolled your eyes back at him and started your shift.


After your shift you clock out and walk outside into the chilly evening air. As you make your way to your car a tall fair-haired guy bumps into you and you find yourself crashing face first towards the ground. Then a pair of arms wraps around your waist and pulls you to your feet. You turn to thank the person and recognize them immediately.

"Samandriel, oh my God it's been forever!", You screech hugging your favorite angel.

"It's only been two months Y/N.", He smiles hugging you back.

"What's up? Are you in trouble?", You ask noticing his distressed expression.

"I need a place to stay.", Samandriel murmurs and you nod towards your car motioning for him to follow.

"What happened?", You question on the drive back to your house but he stays silent.

With a small sigh you speed up and pull into your driveway a few minutes later. Unlocking your front door you wrap your hand around Samandriel's upper arm and shove him down the hall to the spare room. Twisting the knob open you let the door swing inward and have him take a look around before you start setting out rules.

"Okay Samandriel, I'm setting a few boundaries. Sam and Dean have warned me about you angels popping up to watch us humans sleep or change and I am not going to let that happen. You will stay in your room until the sun rises and when it does wait for me in the kitchen. Do not, under any circumstances, come into my room or bathroom for anything.", You stamp your foot and he nods with unenthusiastic expression.

"Yes Y/N.", He mumbles walking into his room slamming his door.

You get changed out of your work clothes and praise that tomorrow is Saturday and you have the day off. Eating a quick little snack you brush your teeth afterwards and then climb into your bed. As soon as your head hits the pillow you fall into a relaxed sleep but a loud bang stirs you. Sitting up you look around blearily and come to a stop when you find a figure kneeling beside your bed.

"S-Samandriel what's going on with you? You usually listen to me when I tell you to do something.", You pull the blankets up over your crop top and boy shorts subconsciously.

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