Part 1

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Jessie's POV :

I was sitting on my bed, with my computer on my lap, listening to music like I always do. This time, I was listening to Usher’s album ‘Looking For Myself’. I have to say, his album is amazing. Ow, right, maybe I should first introduce myself. My name is Jessie Adams. I’m 22 years old and I live in Belgium. I was really shocked when suddenly the door of my room flew open and my brother came in.

“Seriously Sam! Can’t you knock?”

“Nope, well I can... but I never do it.”

“What do you want?”

“Well this letter arrived in the mailbox, it’s for you.” He gave it to me. I saw that it was a letter from ‘Top of the pops’. I had sent them a letter for a job audition. I studied public relations so it would be amazing if I would have the job. I immediately opened the letter, I was really curious.

“Erm... Anything else Sam?” I asked when I saw he was still standing in the doorway.

“Erm... no but just...”

“Get out Sam.”

“Ok ok, I’m leaving.”

Sam was 2 years younger than me. Ok, I can be mean to him but he can be mean to me too. Still, I love him. He’s my little brother after all. Now I started reading the letter. ‘Accepted’  was the first word I read. “OH MY GOD.” I was so happy! I’ve got the job! I immediately jumped up and ran to Sam’s room. He was playing on his playstation, like always.


“What the hell are you talking about Jess?”

“I’ve got the job. Remember I told you that I sent that letter to ‘Top of the Pops’ magazine in London?”

“Erm... yeah, I guess.”

“I’ve got the job! I can go to London.”

“Wait... Are you leaving Belgium?”

“Yeah, I mean... Yes, the job is in London”

“Wow.” Sam sighed

“Ow Sam. Don’t be sad. I first have to tell mum and dad.”

“I’m curious if they are gonna like the idea that their daughter is going to go to London. All alone.”

“I hope so Sammy.”

I went downstairs to talk to mum and dad. They were in the kitchen, making lunch.

“Erm... mum, dad?”

“Yes, Jessie?”

“You know I told you about that job in London for Top of the Pops magazine? I... I’m accepted. I can go to London... next week.”

“WHAT? NEXT WEEK?” dad asked. He nearly chocked because he was just drinking his coffee.

“Yes. Come on, I’ll never get this chance again. Please? Come on, I’m already 22, you know.”

“Yes but... you, all alone in such a big city as London?”

“Mum, please.”

“You’re right Jessie. You’re 21. We have to let you go.” dad said.

“Thank you dad. Mum?” I looked at her.

“You’re dad is right, I guess." She sighed.

“YESSS, THANK YOU.” I hugged them both.

Sam just came downstairs too.

“I guess they are letting you go?”

“Yeah.” I smiled.

“I’m gonna miss you.”

“I’m not gone yet.”

“No... but next week, you are.”

 “I’m gonna call Josh and Megan.” I smiled. Josh and Megan are my best friends. We’ve been friends since we were only 6 or 7 years old. I tell them everything. I ran back upstairs to my room.

“Come on Josh, pick up your phone...” I sighed but I got the voicemail. “Hi Josh, it’s me. Can you please please please call me back? It’s really really really important. Byee.”

Not even 5 minutes later, I got a phone call back from Josh.

“Sorry for before, I was too late to pick up my phone. So, you sounded... erm... I don’t know but... not normal. What happened?”

“I’ve got the job for Top of the Pops. I’m leaving Belgium!” I shouted of excitment.

“SAY WHAT? Please tell me I heard that wrong.”

“No... you haven’t. I’m leaving. I’m going to London next week.”

“What? Really?”

“Yes.. You don’t sound very happy. "

“No no no, it’s not... I’m happy for you that you got the job of course but it’s just... weird. I’m shocked. I just found out my best friend is gonna live in another country, across the sea. I’m just surprised of course. Does Megan already knows it?”

“No but I’ll call her after this.”

I’ll come over to your place after work, ok?”

“Ok, see ya later Josh.”

See ya.

Then I called Megan. She reacted like Josh did, shocked but happy. She would come over too to my place after work. So, Megan works at the hospital, in the kitchen. Josh works in a restaurant as waiter. “How did they react?”

“Fuck Sam, you scared me.” I immediately turned around and saw him standing in the doorway

“Sorry for that sis.” “They... they were surprised of course but they are happy for me.”

“Still, I’ll miss you.” “Ow Sammy, I’ll miss ya to bro.” I hugged him and surprisingly enough, he immediately hugged me back.

In the evening, Josh and Megan came over. We watched a movie together. I have to say, I’ll miss those days. I’m gonna miss them.

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