Part 5

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I woke up from my dreams when I heard noises. Then 4 boys walked inside the studio. McFly.

“So Jessie, let me explain what you have to do. So, they are first gonna do the photo shoot and then an interview which you are gonna do.” Greg explained.

“What? I have to do the interview?”

“Yes. You can do it, I know that.”


“If there is anything wrong, just ask George or Sarah or just call me. Ok?”

“Ok Greg.”

“HARRY, stop it.” I heard someone laughing.

I looked around the corner and saw Dougie lying on the ground, someone else on top of him who was tickling and poking him

“Guys, time to get changed.” Sarah directed.

“Get off me Harry. I swear, I’ll take revenge on you later.”

Then it became quiet again. They were in their dressing room.

“Crazy guys, I think.” I smiled.

“Yeah, pretty much. But they are really nice. I’ve already met them before.” George said.

They were back in 5 minutes. Dougie came as last one. I saw that the guy who was tickling and poking him, I think his name was Harry, looking at me and then whispering something in Dougie’s ear. He immediately looked up and as soon as he saw me, he started smiling at me.

“Hey... you. Jessie right?”

“Yeah, you remembered my name. Yours was Dougie right.”

“Yeah, I... I didn’t know you work here, I’ve never seen you here before.”

 “I just work here. It’s my first day.”

“Ow ok. So you remember my bandmates?”

“Erm... Harry?”

“That’s him. Harry Judd.” Dougie pointed at him.

“That’s the guy who’s always teasing you?”

“YES, THANK GOD, finally someone who understands me. Yes, he ALWAYS teases me.”

“Ow come on Dougie, you like that.” Harry laughed

“Sure.” he rolled with his eyes. I burst out laughing because of him

“Then you’ve got Tom Fletcher, the one with the glasses, and Danny Jones. They both sing in the band. I’m the bassist and Harry is the drummer.”  “Nice.” I smiled.

“Guys, are you ready?”  George asked.

“Yes, yes, we are.” Tom answered.

The photo shoot took about an hour. They did some group photos and photos of each member alone. Then it was time for the interview. I have to say, I was quite nervous.

But that wasn’t necessary at all. They were really nice to me. They knew it was my first interview ever. I asked them every question who was on my paper I got from Greg. George and Sarah were in the mean time looking at the photos. During the interview, I caught Dougie a few times that he was looking at me.

“Jessie, can I ask you something?” Tom asked.

“Yeah sure, of course.”

“Are you from around here? I mean, your accent.. it’s just, I don’t know.”

“Noo, I’m actually from Belgium.”

“Really?” Dougie asked surprised.

“Yeah, from close to Brussels.”

“And now you live in London?”

“Yes, I moved away because of my new job.”

“So, you’ve got your own apartment?” Danny asked.

“Yeah, I mean... Well, Greg owns them but I can live there.”

“Ow, I get it.”

 We talked for a while after it but at a moment, they had to go.

“It was really nice to meet you Jessie. You’re an amazing interviewer.” Danny winked.

“Thank you Danny.”

“See you later maybe Jessie” Tom said

“Yeah sure”

Danny, Tom and Harry left but Dougie stayed a little bit longer.

“Here, something for you. Now I’ve got to go. See ya Jessie ” Dougie winked.

He had given me a little paper in my hand. I opened it immediately. It was his phone number ‘If you need something, call me ;) Dougie x’

Wow, I was shocked. He just gave me his number. Dougie from McFly gave me his number...

So that was actually the reason why he needed a pen and some paper. Now I get it...

I was thinking so much about it that I didn’t even heard that George was asking me something.

“Planet earth to Jessie?”

“Erm... what?”

“Do you wanna take a look at the photos now?”

“Yeah yeah, sure. Sorry, I was erm... thinking about home, I mean Belgium”

“Sure” George laughed

We decided to clean up the studio. It was a mess here. It took us about half an hour.

“You know that Dougie was looking at you all the time during the interview” Sarah suddenly whispered in my ear

“What?... No...”

“He was” George suddenly said. Apparently he had heard what Sarah whispered.

“No he wasn’t... Ok, maybe sometimes but... not the whole time”

“I’ve seen something different” George winked

“George..” I laughed and rolled with my eyes

“What? I’m just saying it” he laughed

After we cleaned up the studio, we decided to go home. George and Sarah decided to go to the cinema. They are cute together. And that kind of times, it hurts when you’re single. Anyway, after my relationship with Nick... That ended not very well...Happy single! Hell yeah!

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