Chapter One

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I was asleep in my twin sized bed covered in pink ruffles, cuddling with a retro Hello Kitty doll that I received from my grandmother for my birthday yesterday. 

"Rachel, for crying out loud, you need to see a doctor!" I heard my father's wheezy voice yell from the room parallel from mine. 

"Garret, hush you're gonna wake the kids," my mother's weak voice pleaded. There was silence, then followed by hushed voices in deep argument. Wide awake, I threw the warmth of my covers back and tiptoed across the hall letting the chilly air surround me with just my over-sized frilly nightgown to keep me warm. 

"Rachel, you know you're dying, so how come you don't want the treatment?" I heard dad whisper as I pressed my ear against the door. Why is mum dying? I don't want her to die yet, not thinking out my next move, I pushed the door open to see my parent's eyes wide in fear as they saw me enter. 

"Mummy what's happening?" I asked tears rimming my eyes, as I peeked up at her through the few strands that fell in front of my face. 

"Lucy.." She whispered, "Lucy...Lucy..."

"Lucy!" A voice shrieked in annoyance, violently shaking me awake, ripping me away from my slumber. I realized that was the second time I had dreamt of my mother. 

"What," I grumbled, trying to shove the source of the voice away, and pulling the blankets over my head, blocking out the sun's rays streaming through my window.  

"Lu, you promised me that we would watch a movie at the cinema today," My younger brother Matt complained, hitting me repeatedly with a pillow. 

I groaned, sat up and in one swift movement, I held Matt in a headlock, pinning him to the bed, "What time does the movie start kiddo," I asked grinning. 

"1 p.m, can you g-get off me now? Those extra pounds you gained during the school year is sucking the breathe out of me," he panted.

Offended, I slapped him on the head lightly and got off of him, "I'm not that fat," I muttered checking myself out in my full length black trimmed mirror. 

Matt chuckled, "Of course your're not Lu, I just needed you to get off, before I got crushed" he winked before running out of my room. I rolled my eyes as I threw a pair of dark denim shorts and a blue, flowy tanktop that matched the color of the summer sky outside my window. 

I descended our spiral staircase, my black converse squeaking against the wooden floors. I entered the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit basket, "Matt hurry up, I need to meet Madi in fifteen minutes," I yelled, my voice echoing through our medium sized, Victorian house. 

I heard his footsteps trailing down the stairs as I exited the kitchen to look on my left to see a dark corridor that posessed two rooms with longing eyes. I wish I could go down there, swing the door open and yell 'good morning' while jumping onto the bed to start that person's day. 

"Hey, you ready Luce?" Matt's voice asked walking up behind me, as he too looked into the long corridor, stuffing his hands in his jean pockets "I can't believe he stays in there all day, I can't even remember the last time I talked to him, can you?" 

I shook my head sadly, "C'mon Matt, you'll miss your movie," I said pushing my emotions away, walking out the door and hopped into my car, with Matt taking the passenger's seat as I drove off towards the cinema. 

"Have fun kiddo," I said handing him some cash, "I'll pick you up at 3."

"Have fun with Madi Lu," Slamming his door shut, I sped through the busy lanes and finally arrived at my destination, almost forty five minutes late. 

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