Chapter Seventeen

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Lucy's POV 

I had been out shopping for some groceries, when my back pocket had vibrated. 

From Niall: Meet at our place:) 

A smile crept on my face as I rushed out the store. Making the long hike towards our spot, I finally rounded the cluster of trees. The first thing I saw, was an old fashioned picnic with the little white and red checkered blanket and sandwhiches with lemonade. I looked towards the swing, to see Niall swaying slightly, playing softly on his guitar, humming to the tune. 

His blue eyes met mine as he said, "Oh hey Lucy." 

Stuffing my hands in my pocket, I said shyly, "I didn't know you played." 

"Yeah, I've been playing since I was twelve."

"Oh." We stood there for a few awkward moments, looking anywhere but each other. 

Getting up from the fragile swing, Niall motioned towards the girly picnic, "Want some lunch?" 

I giggled as I nodded my head and sat down next to him. 

"Here try this," He said, holding a tortilla chip with dip towards my mouth. I opened my mouth, but only to feel the dip sloppily smear across my lips. "Oops," Niall said smirking. 

"I'll get it," I say, reaching for a napkin to wipe the residue off my face, but Niall stopped me and kissed me sweetly. 

"Hmm, not bad," The boy said. I rolled my eyes, as I playfully rubbed some peanut butter on his cheek and left it there. When he wasn't looking, I stole a kiss on his cheek, wiping the creamy peanut butter away. 

After the food was gone and many wonderful kisses, Niall said, "Would you like some cake?"

Still hungry, I nodded. Niall pulled out a small rounded chocolate cake in a container from the basket. I saw his hands shake a little as he opened the lid to reveal the sweet treat. Only this is the sweetest of them all. My jaw dropped as I slowly read the pink lettering across the cake. 

"Be My Girlfriend?" 

I looked up to the Irish boy sitting across from me, words refusing to escape my mouth. 

He bit his lip, worriedly and said, "Well?" 

"Yes!" I squealed and scooped a large serving of chocolate frosting on my finger and wiped it across his pink lips. Leaning in before I could, Niall pressed his sticky lips onto mine as we both smiled widely into the chocolatey kiss. 

We spent the rest of the afternoon taking turns pushing each other on the ancient swing, talking. He played me a few Justin Bieber songs on his guitar and harmonized with it, creating the most beautiful sound in the world. 

By the time the sun was about to set, the food was put away and Niall and I were cuddling on the large blanket. I rested my head on his chest, as I listened to his uneven breathing, while Niall wrapped an arm around me, pulling me in closer to him. I looked up to his closed eyes and smiled to myself thinking that I was the luckiest girl in the world. 


Lucy's POV 

I was walking around the neighborhood, in shorts and a crop top as the mid-summer sun beamed down on me. Niall had to do some kind of errands with his father and brother, and Madi left, and Matt doesn't like me anymore, so I'm basically a loner at the moment. 

My feet led me to the little park a few blocks away from my house. The place where Niall and I had our 'make-up' date since the first one went completely wrong. Sitting on one of the benches, I smiled to myself as I saw a little girl with blonde pigtails try to push her younger baby brother. It reminded me of Matt and I. 

A rubber blue ball had bounced my way, as a boy no less than six with culry mops came running up to me to retrieve it. I handed him the ball as he flashed me a smile wiht missing teeth. 

With his curly hair, the boy had reminded me of Harry and the incident that happened at his house, when Niall got tempermental. I made my way back to the house and hopped into my car, driving the short route to Harry's house. Call me insane for doing this, especially after what he tried to do to me that last time we were alone, but I I figured I owe him one. 

Knocking on the door, I waited about two minutes until I Harry creaked it open. 

"Hi Harry!" I exclaimed, trying to see his face through the shadows. 

"Lucy? What are you doing here?" He asked, not allowing his face into the light. 

"Wanted to see how you're doing," I chirped. When he didn't reply I continued, "Can I come in?" 

He hesitated, as if he didn't want Niall to use him as a punching bag again, but finally gave in and opened the door wider for me. Stepping inside, I could see his face clearly. The clear skin that surrounded his sparkling eyes, were bruised badly, his lip was slightly swollen while cuts were scattered across his smooth face. 

"H-Harry, I'm so sorry," I said, running my fingers gently over his face. 

"It's fine really," He laughed stiffly, taking a seat on the couch. 

"Where's you're first aid kit?" I asked. 

"Under the kitchen sink." Finding it, I brought it back into the living room, and applied some cream and remedies to his wounds. Harry kept on biting his lip, making the cuts deepen and blood to slow again. 

"Don't bite your lip Harry!" I chided, rubbing the last of the ointment on his cuts. Putting all the things back into the kit, I got up to return the first aid kit back where it belongs. As I closed the cupboard doors, strong arms heaved me up onto the counter. I glanced down to see Harry's face filled with pain and regret as he stood between my legs. 

His arms were placed roughly on my thighs, as he whispered sadly, "Why are you with him?" 

I blinked three times as I said, "Because I love him."

His voice cracking Harry croaked, "But I can love you so much more," 

"Harry I love you, but not in that certain way. Maybe we are meant for each other, but I'm not ready for you yet," I said, not even knowing if that made any sense to the curly haired boy or not. 

"I'll be waiting for you then," He said, his green eyes boring into my brown ones, "And I'll be there to catch you when you fall." 

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