Chapter Thirteen

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 Lucy's POV 

After a night filled with cotton candy, games and crazy rollercoasters, Niall decided to take me home just a little after midnight. It was weird, because I've always wondered if we were just friends or anything more. I mean he hasn't asked the question, so I just assume that we're like...really close friends?

Pulling into my driveway, Niall opened my door and escorted me towards the empty house. Not a single light was casted through it's window. Noticing this, Niall asked, "Where's Matt?" 

Fiddling with the lock, I answered briskly, "He decided to stay with Jillian instead of me. He's gone." I held back the tears that were about to fall over, but it was no use. If they wanted to fall, they're gonna fall. Turning on the lights, I dove onto the couch. The salty water streamed down my face slowly as I buried my head in the soft burgundy pillow.

"Lu, don't cry," His accent comforted, "Matt will be back in no time, trust me." I felt the cushions sink by me as he began to softly stroke my knotted hair. 

"I failed him" I muffled through the thick layers of cotton.

"I'm sorry, what did you say?" Niall asked, pausing. 

I sat up and looked him straight into his eyes, no doubt with ruined makeup all over my face, "I failed Matt...and my mother." I whispered the last part almost to myself, but Niall managed to hear. 

Pulling me onto his lap, he locked our eyes together, "You didn't fail anyone Lucy." Breaking the gaze, Niall held my chin firmly so I could stare into those beautiful blue eyes that I loved so much, "Lucy, it's not your fault, you worked your ass off trying to provide for that boy." Wiping my tears away, he continued, "Your mother would be so proud of you right now." 

As the last words escaped his mouth, the tears just began pouring out again. No one has ever told me those words, but yet I've always longed to hear them. Hearing them come out of the most beautiful person that I've ever met, inside and out, was just pure joy to me. 

"Shit, that was supposed to cheer you up, sorry." He said wiping the stains off my face a second time. 

I hugged him tightly as I whispered into his ear, "You're the best." 

Wrapping his arms around my waist, he hugged tighter and replied cheekily, "I know."  After a few moments of hugging, I laid in his lap as my eyelids struggled to stay open. 

Niall saw my fight with sleep as he gently carried me in his strong arms up the stairs. He slowly walked down the hall, and gently kicking the first door on the left open. As I layed in my familiar bed, I felt him pull the covers over my body and he whispered, "Goodnight Princess, I'll see you soon."

"Niall...wait," I croaked. Niall's head turned slightly, waiting for my request. "Stay with me?" 

Grinning like the idiot he is, Niall happily filled the empty space under the sheets next to me. He peeled his jeans and shirt off, leaving him only in his boxers. Wrapping his arms around me, I snuggled into his side, inhaling his familiar scent, imagining how perfect this moment was. 

"Goodnight Lucy," He whispered, into my ear, kissing my forehead and turning off my lamp, ending yet another wonderful day with him. 


Waking up to the summer sun streaming through my window is the worst way to start the day. Holding my hand up to shield the harmful rays, I propped my body on one elbow, only to be pulled into something sturdy. 

"What the--" I said, looking behind me to see Niall still sleeping. His bed head was sticking up in all directions, and his cheek was smushed into the pillow, making him look like a chipmunk. Niall opened his eyes to reveal the deep blue beauty behind them. 

Smiling down at me, he tightened his hold. "Morning beautiful," His morning voice croaked. 

I smiled up at the blonde headed boy, "You want breakfast?" 

He sat up quickly and exclaimed, "Yes!" 

"Well you're helping me cook then," I said, pulling him out of bed. Unwilling, he laid back down, groaning, "C'mon Niall." I whined, trying to heave his body off the bed. But with me being so small compared to his larger one, it would be impossible.

"Or we could just stay here," He said smirking, pulling me on top of him. I tried swinging my legs to get off of his shirtless chest, but his hands stayed firmly on my waist, keeping me in a straddling position. 

"I guess we just won't have breakfast then," I said sarcastically, planting my small hands against his firm chest. 

I felt his chest shake as he chuckled at my response, "I'm sure food can wait." He rubbed his hands along my sides softly, "What do you want to do today Princess?" 

I took his rough hands and rubbed them with my tiny ones and said, "I want to eat!" I toppled off of him and sprinted down the stairs, into the kitchen. I grabbed a frying pan, and the box of the 'just add water' pancake mix. 

Stirring the batter in the bowl, I felt Niall wrap his arms around me and lay his hands over mine, helping me stir the contents in the bowl. "You need to get rid of all the lumps Lu," He whispered huskily in my ear. 

After the ingredients had been mixed together perfectly, we added some blueberries and began cooking the pancakes. We had made three fluffy blueberry pancakes, with Niall still 'helping' me like I was a puppet. 

With the pancakes cooked and eaten, Niall did the dishes while I cleaned up the counter, washing away the stickiness of the maple syrup, the greasy butter and the spilt batter. Throwing the last towel away, I headed up the stairs to change into a fresh set of clothes. 

I stripped into my bra and underwear, scanning through my closet, deciding what to wear for the day. I took a few shirts and shorts and turned to lay them out on my bedspread, only to find the one and only Niall sitting on it, staring up at me. 

"Niall, what are you doing in here?" I yelled, covering myself hopelessly with my clothes. 

He chuckled, turning a bright shade of crimson, "" 

"Don't look!" I exclaimed nervously. 

"Alright fine, fine." He said turning in the opposite direction, facing my window and pulling a book from my nightstand, "See? I'm just reading a book now." Satisfied, I turned back to my closet to put the articles of clothing back. Through my peripheral vision, I could see him facing me again while reading the book--upside down. 


Storming up to him, I was about to snatch the book away from him, but he held it away, so I fell on top of him. Looking through my hair, I saw him smirking at me, "Well hello there," He said, his Irish accent becoming even more noticable than usual. He turned us over, his arms trapping me beneath him. 

"Niall, let me put some clothes on," I whined, squirming underneath him, trying to break free. 

"Only if you give me a kiss." He said, wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Alright," I said smiling. I leaned up and pretended that I was going for his lips, but at the last second, shifted my lips to his cheek. 

"Fucking tease," He murmured, staring at me. 

Giggling, I said, "You didn't say where."

"Fine, but you owe me later," He said removing his weight off of me and pulled his shirt over his body. 

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