Chapter Five

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Niall's POV

I looked into the mirror for the umph-time in a row. It was 7:44, only sixteen minutes until I could see her again. I'm going to have to gain her trust, before I can do anything with her. The boys are going to know that Niall Horan and get any girl he wants. But then again, I feel like I actually want to be something with her, instead of just a one night stand. Whatever, the feeling will pass, that's what happened with Rachel, Jenn, Lizzy and the others. 

"Niall, your father's dinner banquet isn't until next week, why are you dressed like that?" My mother questioned as I walked into our spacious living room. 

"I'm taking a girl out," I smiled. My mum put her book down and gave me a quizzical look. 

"I've never seen you smile like that, when you're about to go out," She said slyly, wrapping the faux fur blanket around her body. "She must be something special, then," She sang, returning to her book, as if we just didn't have a conversation. 

I turned around to walk out the door leading to the garage when I replied, "Yeah, she is." Even though I couldn't see her, I could feel my mum smile from cheek to cheek. I grabbed the keys to the Audi that Lucy rode in just a few days ago, the way her eyes stared at it with such awe, I was thinking about giving it to her. 

Lucy's POV

"Luce! Hold still, your going to smear your eyeliner," Madi growled at me, pinning me down to my bed. I was already in my dress, and about a third of my hair got burned from curling it, somehow though Madi managed to make me look fabulous. 

"Madi, don't put on too much," I squealed, squirming under her body. The curls were no doubt falling out, and my dress soiled. 

"And...done," Madi said dabbing last touches of make-up unto my face. I looked into the mirror and almost couldn't believe I was looking at myself. 

"Good job, Madi, you really did a great makeover," I said in awe as I twirled around in front of my mirror. We heard the doorbell chime twice. I groaned, "I don't want to go," I flopped back down onto my soft grey duvet pulling it over my head. 

"Uh, no way. I did not just spend my last two hours, wrestling you into a dress. You. Are. Going." Madi said, pulling me out of the fluffy covers by my ankles. 

"Fine..I'm going...ow!' I snapped, as my head hit the hard surface of the dark wooden floors. The doorbell rang again, and kept ringing repeatedly.

"Well you deserved that, anyways I'm going to get the door," Madi said, breezing out my door and clomping down the stairs, one at a time. 

I laid in my bed a few moments more, until I heard Madi's familiar holler, "Lucy! Get down here!" I sighed, rearranged my dark curls and dress, then trudged down the stairs. As I looked up, I saw Niall in the living area where he was dressed in a lovely black suit with his white sleeves rolled up to his elbows, his hair was his usual mess, and his eyes looked just like the sky on a clear summer day with not a cloud to be seen for miles. Honestly, I think I stopped breathing. 

As I reached the bottom of the stairs, he strode to where I stood and whispered, "You look beautiful tonight princess." My cheeks grew unnaturally warm, as I looked into his eyes and smiled. 

"You don't look too bad yourself, Ni," I said tugging on his sleeves playfully. I looked to Madi, to see her giving me a thumbs up, before walking out of the room. 

Niall held his arm out for me to take, "Shall we go?" His Irish accent filled the house. I nodded shyly and linked my arm into his and sunk into his side. We walked to his Audi, like a puzzle piece that had been glued together. Stuck. He opened my door, helping me into my seat and climbed into the driver's seat. "Do you like Italian?" Niall's voice asked, breaking the silence.

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