Chapter 59

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

Hey guys! I'm breaking my author's note up into two parts, haha. This is the happy and positive part!

So I can't even tell you how excited I was to have everyone talking in the comments in my last update! I loved getting to know you all better. That gave me an idea! I'm gonna start asking y'all little questions in each chapter! So you can answer and I'll answer too, and it'll be fun. The questions won't be asking for anything personal, just fun facts.

Question of the Update: What is your favorite book? (Other than The Maze Runner ;D)

Mine is probably The Hunger Games Series, as a whole. I've read those books three times, haha.

And Part Two: Which book in The Maze Runner Series is your favorite? Mine is definitely The Death Cure, Haha.

So tell me your favorites, I need new books to read! ANYWAY, I love you all and I'll talk to you at the end of this chapter!!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"Must be kinda hard for you guys," Thomas started, trying to make conversation in the dismal silence, "Especially for you, Newt."

"Huh?" Newt asked, not understanding what Thomas was talking about. I didn't know either.

"The grievers. You dealt with them firsthand just like Minho and I did," Thomas explained.

What was he talking about? Newt fighting grievers? I know that he was with Gally when he was stung, but they didn't actually see the griever.

"What are you talking about?" Newt squinted, sitting up to look at Thomas.

"Your leg, isn't that how you hurt it, running from the grievers?" Thomas asked, now also confused.

"Wha-?" I started, but Newt flicked my arm. I gave him an annoyed face.

"Yeah, sorry, I'm tired," Newt awkwardly chuckled, "But it is really hard, ya' know- going through things twice."

I heard Minho snort from the other side of the room.

"You never really told me what happened? How many grievers were chasing you?"

I mouthed to Newt, 'What did you tell him?'

Newt shook his head, "Uh, just one."

"I thought there were two, Newt," Minho said, his face buried underneath his blanket. I could practically see the smile, I knew was plastered across his features.

What had Newt told Thomas about his limp? Why'd he make up some elaborate story?

"My memory is a little rusty, I guess," Newt threw a pillow at Minho when Thomas wasn't looking.

"It's just good to know that we all have some experience with the grievers. Makes me feel safer," Thomas sighed, leaning his head against the wall.

"Whatever helps ya' sleep at night, Tommy," Newt smiled, lying back down next to me.

I smiled too, making a mental side note, that Newt said 'Tommy' really cutely. I don't even know why hearing Newt give people nicknames makes me so happy, but it does. He just seems so normal and joyful when he shouts out things like that.

I looked towards Newt and whispered, "What did you tell him?"

He rolled his eyes and shrugged his shoulders in a nonchalant way.

I shook my head, and laughed, before moving onto my other side, so that I was facing away from Newt. Newt moved also, closer to me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in my hair, "I'm in a cuddly mood."

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