Chapter 65

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

Happy Valentine's Day Guys! I honestly have nothing to say before you read this, so go ahead and have a party! Actually, I just posted a new story. So it would mean the world to me if you all read it. But read it after this, haha!


~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

I hit the ground with a cold jolt. I fell to the floor, but it's not like I expected to land on my feet anyway.

It was dark down here, that's what I first realized. And then I saw the dead grievers. There was blood too, but for all I know, the blood could be mine.

I crawled away from the entrance, so that Newt could come down safely.

Clare reached her hand out for me to take, "You look awful," She whispered, as she helped me stand.

"I feel awful too," I grunted, letting my weight rest on my unhurt leg. I took in Clare's appearance. She wasn't looking too good either. Her cheek had a small cut on it that dripped blood down her face. Her red hair was a frizzy mess of waves. Her T-shirt was torn across her stomach and I took note that the dark coloring around the rip was not sweat but blood.

Clare shrugged, "We all took a pretty hard beating."

What was taking Newt so long? I mentally complained, wanting to yell at him.

I looked around at the group of us that was left. Half had died.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Newt fall through the Griever hole. About time.

I was scared to see who was missing. I was scared that everyone I loved had died. Well, Clare is right beside me. Newt and Minho are good.

My eyes searched the crowd, and Victoria was no where to be seen! This awful day might have just gotten better-

"How's your leg?" I heard her stupid voice ask. Spoke too soon.

"I'm fine," I answered, shortly.

Who else?

My eyes fell on a crying Chuck, so I hobbled over to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder. At the touch, Chuck threw his arms around me.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I rushed, hating to see him upset.

My whole world kinda froze as I waited for him to explain. Oh no.

"Sam. She's not here," He mumbled into my shirt.

Tears welled in my eyes also, "I'm so sorry," I kept close to Chuck after this. I felt awful. I loved Samantha. She was so nice and cute and young.

"Is this it?" I heard Thomas ask.

Newt, who I hadn't even known was standing next to me, answered, "Half of us. Dead."

The group stood silently, but then Minho said, "You know what? Half of us might have died, but half of us lived! And that's pretty good if you ask me. And nobody got stung, just like Thomas said."

I didn't find this to be very good at all.

"Lets just get out of here," Newt sighed, briefly closing his eyes.

I let Chuck move away from my embrace. He gave me a look that told me he was trying to be strong, but really wanted to give up. I had a new respect for him after this.

"I saw a door open down there," Thomas said, pointing towards the darkness.

I wiped away my tears, and tried walking with everyone else.

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