Chapter 6

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The glade is a lot more complicated than I thought.

Between the multiple jobs and multiple Keepers, from the Baggers to the Sloppers, to the builders, and so on. There was so much going on. So many more teenagers lived here, than I had realized. So much work and effort was put into their every day lives.

Alby said that I would work a day with each Keeper and that apparently by the end of the week, I would just know which job was right for me.

Nick on the other hand, still thought becoming a runner was my goal in life.

It wasn't.

"Well, that about ends our tour." Alby said, wiping his forehead with the back of his hand. He took a seat on the ground.

"Alby's memory seems to be a little rusty," Nick whispered.

"What are you saying, Nick?" Alby moaned, exhausted from our trip around the glade.

I had come to see that although the air was hot and the sky was bright blue, there wasn't a sun or even any clouds. The source of the sweltering heat and ultraviolet rays nowhere to be seen.

"I'm saying that both of you need to be put in your place." Nick said smugly, "Can't have everyone wantin' to lead this glade."

"Nobody's sayin' nothin' about leading, Nick. And I have a hunch that our Greenie, Brianne, over there doesn't actually wanna be a runner."

"Well, that's exactly what I'm talking about, then. Lying isn't something I tolerate."

"Can you please stop talking like I'm not here, because like it or not, I am here. Until I break out of this prison, it's just like you said Nick, 'I'm part of your shuck family now, so get used to me'."

"I'm just following through with the test that you wanted to take," Nick began walking towards the part of the glade called the 'Gardens', "I'll be right back. I need some friends to help me."

Nick walked over to a boy, A Keeper, I think. I was told his name, but at the moment I can't recall it.

Nick jogged back over to us, after a couple of minutes, "Slintheads can't ever be found anywhere." He kept running until he reached the kitchen, disappearing inside.

"Look, I don't know what Nick's doing, but let me just apologize in advance for whatever evil scheme, he's plottin'." Alby said, giving me a small smile, "He likes messin' with the Newbies."

"Yah, I can see that." I reached down and rolled my pant legs up a little.

"He won't actually feed you to the grievers."

"You sure?" I felt bad, because Alby was only trying to help me, but I couldn't stop my irritated words from coming out, "He seemed pretty serious."

"He's just trying to scare you out of breakin' all the rules. You'll understand soon."

I looked away from Alby, and saw Nick walking back to us, with two other people behind him.

Newt and Minho.

"You know it's a good thing y'all are off today, cause for the first time ever I need your help with something." Nick said excitedly.

"Nick, whatcha doing, man? Why ya' bringin' them into this?" Alby asked standing up.

"Into what? I think Brianne should get to meet the Keeper of the runners, if she wants to become one." Nick said laughing to himself.

"We've already met-" Minho started.

"I never said, that I wanted to be a runner. I just wanted to learn about them." I said, "I thought I had already made myself clear."

"Oh, well then think of this as a punishment for your sarcasm." I rolled my eyes, "Newt, tell her about your day to day job as Keeper of the Runners."

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