Chapter 58

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~~~Author's Notes~~~

Hello, it's me. Okay sorry, ANYWAY. I have a couple of things to say, so I'll say one now and keep the other for the end! I feel like some of you guys read and comment on all of my chapters and I don't even know your names! I feel awful!

SO HI, I'M BRIANNE! What's your name and where are you from? I'm not asking for your address, just what country you live in, haha. I live in the United States! :)

I just wanna talk to you guys, because sometimes I forget that actual literal people with actual lives read what I write.

THAT'S ALL! I hope you guys enjoy this update, and the first part is a prologue so that means no one actually remembers it. It happened in the past. BYE, TALK TO YOU SOON!


~Prologue: Part 3 ~

~~~Brianne's Pov~~~

"I would like to talk to you for a little while," The man with a name tag reading Janson said as he sat down across from me at the table. This is the first time I've spoken to anyone in at least five days. After my encounter with Thomas and my psychic, Bruno, I wasn't permitted to leave my room, which was pretty sucky if you were to ask me.

"About what?" I asked, wanting to keep my questions and answers short and precise; there was really no need for me to play nice with these people at WICKED.

"It's not so much a what, more a who," He said, opening his binder, "I realize that you won't understand much, because you're young, but WICKED doesn't know you're here."

"What?" I asked, my stomach dropping for a second, "What does that mean?"

"The Chancellor will be unaware of your arrival in our experiment," He continued, "In other words, you're an unplanned subject."

"Is that an issue?"

"Not unless someone sees the change, but that'll be impossible. We aren't amateurs; keeping secrets is our forte."

"But why am I a secret? Why would you take the risk of sending me into the maze, when the consequences could be so great? That seems really dumb to me. This whole project seems stupid in my opinion."

"You are not a piece in our plans, Brianne. You're merely an expendable link to our project," Janson smiled sarcastically, "Remember that when you call our work stupid. Now, you're only the link that we need to use to connect one of our subjects to our cure."

"Yah, I've heard. His name's Newt."

"Correct. His role is important."



"Don't," I stopped him before he could finish.


"Don't ruin such a classic work of literature by repeating the words
'okay' to me." The classic fiction, The Fault In Our Stars, had been my favorite book since I'd heard my older sister reading it back before my life had become such a mess. She'd been forced to read it as one of her school book report books, and me, being only around the age of seven, had listened to her read it out loud. But I hadn't really understood the weight of the book until years later, when I got a hold of it myself. It was a tragic novel about sickness and love that at my age, I hadn't really understood, but now I could oddly relate to the emotions it spoke of. I understand now, why my deceased sister had loved it so much. I kind of wish I had the book with me now, actually, because after part one of the swipe, I don't remember much of it. Come to think of it, I don't remember my sister's name either.

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