Chapter 9

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~~~Third Person Pov~~~

"How is subject A-16 adjusting to your commands?" Janson asked as he leaned over the table to get a good look at the control panels.

"Pretty well, but her mind is very unrelaxed at the moment without us." John answered, flipping a few switches.

"What about Subject A-5?" The man in the lab coat asked.

"He's still all over the place," Emily sighed, "I don't know what to do."

"Send in a camera, these said subjects are together at the moment." Janson walked down the middle of the rows of computers, to the front of the lab, where huge screens projected different parts of the Experiment, "We wouldn't want to miss the sparks flying."

The girl spoke dramatically to the blonde boy sitting across from her. The boy, Newt, ran his fingers through his hair, the conversation obviously causing him stress.

"Do you hear what she is saying to him?" Karen asked adamantly.

"Do I look like I care? They're together and talking. That's all that should matter." Janson answered with his usual sarcasm.

"Well you should be concerned." An older woman named Mary said, her eyes peering through her glasses.

"What is she saying?! My God, if you're going to complain then at least tell me what you're complaining about."

"Mary replay the footage." Karen commanded.

One of the projective screens shut off before it returned back to the two subjects sitting across from each other.

"So you run everyday and still find nothing?" The girl, Brianne, asked Newt, who was seemingly trying to avoid her questions.

"We find stuff," Newt sighed, a hopeless look taking over his features, "Just not an exit."

"Well that's a depressing bit of information." Brianne sighed, as she looked up at Newt.

"Yah. It's a buggin' nightmare." Subject A-5 sighed also.

Karen stared at Janson expectedly, "What?" The man asked innocently.

"She is a horrible influence on him!"

"How can you say that when they've only spoken twice?"

"I thought we agreed on choosing a subject that would benefit Newt."

"And is she not fulfilling that agreement?"

"No! No, she isn't. Her negativity is going to effect him." Karen walked between two rows of tables, grabbing multiple papers from each of the lab workers, "She has already created feelings of hopelessness and worry in Subject A-5 and will only continue to push him closer and closer to his death!"

"They just need time-"

"Time? Nothing is happening, I don't even think they like each other! This was a waste of money, we shouldn't have sent the girl in," Karen yelled, loosing hope in WICKED already. She had come from the PCC, the company that had merged with the PFC, making the now ruling WICKED. But the PCC's leader had quit, leaving the PFC's president to own the whole company, thus giving the PFC more influence. Karen and many others from the PCC believed WICKED was treating the subjects unfairly.

"Silence, Karen." Janson rolled his eyes.

"I think we should push their dials until we are satisfied with the results." John said, looking up from his computer.

"I do too, but the Chancellor disagrees with our reasoning. Ava believes it's too risky." Janson, the head worker of the labs, had been with the PFC for a while now. Living here was life saving for someone like him, who wasn't Immune.

"If we want results, we'd practically have to brainwash them." Karen sighed, it didn't matter what she said, WICKED would do whatever it pleased.

"Well I believe that we should do what it takes to reach success." Maria, a younger woman, who had only been working for a couple months, spoke up. Janson's eyes flicked back up to the screen.

Newt had pushed himself into a standing position, "It's gettin' dark out, we should probably head back."

"Is Nick really going to banish me?" Subject A-16 asked, her voice wavering slightly.

"Course not. His method of gaining respect and trust is by intimidation. If you're scared, then he's still doing his job. He doesn't buggin' make much sense."

"Turn Subject A-5's controls up!" Janson shouted over his shoulder at the people sitting behind the computers, "We have to start somewhere."

"Zoom in on screen B." John commanded.

The camera focused in closer, just close enough that you could see the confusion sweep across subject A-5's face as WICKED's level of control over him escalated, "Here allow me." Newt reached his hand out for Brianne to take.

"Turn the other subjects levels up too!"

Subject A-16's fingers slowly grabbed onto his hand, the boy helping her to stand up, "Thanks." Brianne mumbled as she began to walk away. Newt followed close behind her, the pair leaving the cameras range of view.

"See aren't they cute?" Janson laughed, as he looked over at an annoyed Karen.

"It'll be really cute when someone dies." Karen answered, ripping a few papers up.

"They're children. Things are under control." Janson patted John on the back as he began to walk down the main aisle towards the door.

"Wait, what do we do with the subjects now?"

"We wait for an opportunity to present itself. Until then, nothing," He took a deep breath, "Oh the simple joys of mind control."

"That's all you have to say? Does the Chancellor even know about subject A-16 yet?"

"She knows enough."

"This little scam won't last long. Ava will find out eventually."

"Remember Karen, WICKED is good. Always has been, always will be." With that, Janson left the lab for the day.


~~~Authors Notes~~~

Ooooooooooo I updated really fast this week.

Okay so that chapter was either really confusing or really informative.

This was all basically just introducing the new Pov that I plan on writing. So there are three now: Brianne's, Newt's, and Third Person. I only plan on writing third person chapters when something is dramatic or when something needs to be explained.

BUT ANYWAY GUYS I checked my phone and To Love is *as of right now* #384 in Fan-fiction on Wattpad. Which doesn't sound exciting but to me IT'S SO CRAZY! AND HOLY CRAP 3.4K views!! ILY ILY ILY!

Alright, I'm just gonna go eat some food now, k Byeeeeee!

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