Part One

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"Sang, Sang, come on 10. You need to open your eyes. I'm begging you sweetheart, I'm here with you, you're not alone please." Kota pleaded while looking down at the petite blond he held tightly in his arms. His heart had skipped a beat when he walked into Sang's living room from the kitchen and found her unconscious on the floor with blood pooled around her head. He red-lined Sean with a text saying Sang's bleeding and unconscious get here ASAP at her house. 436 heartbeats later and Sang still hasn't opened her eyes and Sean still wasn't there. Kota looked at the face of his phone once again in hopes of a text or even an update on his whereabouts. At heartbeat number 521 Sang's eyes started to flutter with each flutter of her eyes Kota's heart fluttered in sync with it. He couldn't understand how this happened. Sang had been giggling at the movie they had been watching just minutes before. He wished he hadn't gone to pop more popcorn now, maybe she wouldn't be in his arms now like this if only. He never completed the thought because Sean finally arrived at heartbeat 552.

Sean walked into the living room and he fealt all his breath ripped from his chest. His Pookie lay in his brother Kota's arms, he knew he had to assess the situation before he made things worse. He watched Kota stroking Sang's hair and reassured himself as her chest steadily rose and fell. He hesitantly approached them, gracefully falling to his knees beside them. "I'm going to check her vitals, while I do that please contact the rest of the group and let them know what's going on. I know they will all show up but hopefully by then Pookie will be awake and fighting with North about the bubble he will insist on putting her in." Sean was trying to make the situation seem less severe than it was for Kota's sake. He didn't want to push him farther into himself, which he knew was happening. He noticed Kota mumbling to himself as he mindlessly stroked Sang's hair from her face when he came in. Kota was probably blaming himself, Sean thought.

After checking Sang's heart rate and breathing, Sean searched for the site of the bleeding. He finally found a small laceration and slight bump on the side of Sang's head. From what he gathered she probably hit her head on the coffee table corner. He lifted her eyelid and checked her pupil dilation for any signs of concussion. It all looked promising, but he still was concerned. She should have woken up by now. "Pookie, you need to start giggling so I have an excuse to kiss you before everyone else shows up. Please, pumpkin, wake up."

Her eyelids started to flutter and slowly open to show her bright green eyes. Sean ran him hand through his curly blond hair in relief. "Pookie, you had me so worried. How are you feeling pumpkin? Where is the pain so I can kiss it better?" He said huskily as he gave her his best panty dropping smile.

"Who the fuck are you and where have you taken me?" She replied backing away from him her eyes narrowing. "Billy, this is a fucking sick joke, get your ass in here and tell me where I am asshole!" She screamed.

Kota came running into the living room at her scream. "Oh thank god, I was so scared when you wouldn't wake up sweetheart. Sang are you ok?"

"I don't know who you think you're talking to but you need to just tell Billy the jokes over. I will even convince Danny not to kick his ass. He's gone too far this time." She looked at Kota warily.

"You do know me right, Sang?" Kota pleaded to her yet once again. This time hoping she's just joking with him like she tends to do.

"I have no clue who you sang with dude. All I know is I want to go home now. Can I use your phone please? If Billy is going to be an ass and is trying to scare me, I know Danny will rescue me. He always does, fuck this is crazy. I can't believe Billy did this."

"Miss, may I ask your name?" Sean asked her the fear showing in his eyes. He was thinking of all the possible reasons for this memory loss and trying to think of remedies.

"You mean Billy didn't even tell you my name or anything? Shit, if Danny doesn't kick his ass I am."

Kota and Sean were trading glances at each other and her, both in shock at her profanity and assertiveness. She must have been working with Luke and Gabriel for weeks to be acting this good. Usually she couldn't lie at all and did not use profanity herself but laugh nervously when she heard it. Right now her face gave nothing away.

The front door suddenly slammed open as North stormed into the room searching until he found her. "Sang baby, this is the last straw you are getting put in a fucking bubble. I'm tired of you getting hurt all the time. Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I don't know who the hell you think you are but one, I'm not your fucking baby and two, you come any closer to me and my screaming will be the least of your worries. I will kick your fucking balls so hard asshole you'll be singing soprano for the rest of your life!" She screamed back at him.

Now all of the men were sharing looks of worry and surprise. Sang doesn't scream, yell, or threaten bodily harm. Sean again tried to calm her down.

"You asked to use a phone right, here you can use mine. Do you know the number you want to call?" With this said at least she wasn't glaring at him anymore.

"Of course I know my boyfriend's phone number. I know some people rely on their cellphone address book to remember for them but I love him too much to forget. I won't have your phone long sir I promise. I just want him to come bring me home."

"Of course, I'm Sean by the way. If I may, I'm a doctor and the cut on your head is bleeding again. Do you mind if I try and stop the bleeding?" Sean was slowly and cautiously approaching her with his phone in hand. Before he got to her he turned to Kota and North and mouthed, "stop everyone from coming." They nodded barely moving their heads and started texting.

"Yeah sure, thanks Sean. I can't believe Billy went this far on this joke. He's never been this elaborate before. I'm Sabrina his step sister. You can call me Brynne, everyone does. He's always playing jokes on me. I hope this is the end of his hazing. I may not survive much more" She giggled at the end. At least her giggle was the same they all thought.

Sean looked to see Kota and North's reaction. Both looked to be in shock. What had happened to the quiet shy girl they all found themselves falling for? And who was this firecracker that has replaced her? Which is real? They hoped they found out soon before the rest of the team showed up and made things worse.

I was having trouble getting into my other story and with all the turmoil going on this helped relieve some of it by writing this. I'm not sure if I will continue this or not yet.

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