Part Five

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Owen could feel his blood pressure rise as his vision started to go, tiny dots blurring everything.  He couldn't understand how Sang could forget them.  He wasn't even listening to Sean as he tried to explain that he hasn't been able to run any tests but what he believes happened is Sang is suffering from a form of dissociation, essentially something caused her to forget being Sang.  He also believed it happened when she forgot being Brynne when we met her. 

Victor had looked up Sabrina Martin on his laptop before going into the bedroom with Kota and everyone was shocked and heart broken to see Sang's pretty face on the Facebook account for that name.  Sean refused to get into all the details until all of the men could speak to her but whatever he had learned visibly took its toll on him.

Victor had been in the bedroom for a few minutes now, no one was sure why Kota wanted him in there but no one voiced their opinions out loud.  If  him going back there could bring their Sang back they would allow just about anything.

After what fealt like an eternity to the 7 men in the room they could see Victor and Kota coming back from Sang's room.  They all knew her name was really Sabrina but no one wanted to acknowledge that.  If they did then their whole time together would have been essentially a lie. None of them wanted that so essentially they refused to accept it for now.

As soon as Victor was back in the room everyone realized Sang was right behind him.  The room was oddly quiet as everyone didn't know exactly how to react.  Brynne took the initiative and just looked at the group of unusually attractive men in front of her.  Looking from face to face she tried to match each with the charm from her bracelet.  Victor had told her Luke was always cheerful but she saw no one who looked like that in the room.  One person stood out to her though, a man in a suit, the tie not nearly as perfect as it usually is. 

Mr. Blackbourne, looked like his heart was breaking all with a blank expression on his face.  Brynne took the silence as a sign that she needed to break the spell put on these poor boys.  With all eyes on her she walked trance-like toward Mr Blackbourne.  With each step his eyes started to smother more almost as if he wanted to break but was scared to.  Once she was standing in front of him,  Brynne looked up into his molten eyes.  "Oh Owen please don't break now."  As she finds herself enveloping him in her arms resting her head gently on his chest.  His arms instantly wrap around her and his face goes into the top of her head.  She can feel him crying tears may not be falling but she could feel the pain in him. 

Victor and Kota's hearts start to well with happiness.  "Brynne, how did you know his first name was Owen.  We never told you that."  At this one comment everyone started to relax and even start to smile.  Maybe Sang wasn't completely gone was the communal thought projected from them all.  Brynne still was wrapped around Owen but lifted her head from his chest. "Hmm, I'm not sure.  I just saw the look on his face and knew he thought he lost yet another person he loved and it broke me.  I didn't even realize I had called him that.  I just knew I wanted to ease his pain."  Brynne looked up at him again and stopped talking.  Owen was looking down at her like he was going to devour her, "Mine?" He all but whispered.  All Brynne could do was nod and whisper "uh huh" before his lips softly touched hers making her heart explode with love and guilt.

It all started to make her head ache as Brynne pulled away and found a seat.  "Ok here's what is going to happen you want answers and so do I.  I propose we all sit down.  I want each of you to tell me what my relationship is to you, what you called me, what I called you.  Once that person is done he may ask me one question in turn once I've answered, the next person tells me then asks.  Once we are done with that if we have anything else we want to know we take turns asking.  Does that sound fair?"

Nine heads nod in agreement and sit in a circle around her.  The man closest to her was Nathan.  Brynne was sure of that and understood what Victor meant now about the weight. He was massive.  She vaguely wondered what it would feel like to be wrapped up in his arms.

"I'm in love with you and have been for months.  When we cuddle and sleep you would turn into a koala just cling to me making me feel like I was invincible.  I don't care if you remember or not I'm still going to love you.  You used to call me Honey and I called you peanut.  If you want to know how we got those nicknames I can tell you." Nathan waited a moment and when he saw Brynne nod he continued, "You used to put your finger in your mouth when you were nervous.  I put my finger in your mouth once and asked what I taste like you said honey.  I nibbled on yours and you tasted like peanuts." Brynne could see the tears in his eyes fighting to fall.  Brynne fealt moisture on her cheeks.  As her hand touched her cheek, she found the tears that fell. 

Brynne cleared her throat and wiped her cheeks.  "Ok, whats your question, Honey?"

Nathan heard her sweet voice call him honey a name he thought he'd never hear from her again after he heard that she couldn't remember them anymore.  It completely broke him.  The tears finally fell as he looked at his peanut and said, "What's your full name and birthday?"

Brynne looked surprised that this was the question he chose.  She looked at him smiled and said, "My name is Sabrina Quinn Martin and my date of birth is March 21, 1995. Was there anything else basic you wanted to know I feel like you are getting short end of this deal."  Everyone but Sean gasped.  This entire time they thought she was 18 when she was actually 20 almost the same as Sean and Owen.  She was only a year older than the rest of the boys but it still blew their minds. Nathan just shook his head and continued to stare and quietly cry at his sweet peanut.

Brynne looked at the next person in the circle and had a feeling it was going to be a long night but it would pass the time until her missing life showed up.

Sorry it took so long, my big baby has an abscess tooth and is acting like he's on his death bed.  So haven't had the time I wanted to in order to complete this.  I will have another part of the talk up in next day or two.  Love y'all  <3 B

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