Part Three

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Brynne looked at the three gorgeous guys in the room.  They were all ridiculously good looking but all in different ways.  She was amazed they were friends they were so different.  Looking at them made her miss Danny even more.  It felt like forever since she had seen him. 

She was happy she got to talk to Danny though, he was all that truly mattered.  Once his arms wrap around her this will all just seem like a bad dream. 

From what Sean had said it had been 7 months since she had been with her family.  She was still having problems comprehending exactly what was going on.  How could she have 7 months just disappear from her life.  From the picture she had seen on Sean's phone she obviously knew him and possibly the other men in the room, but why would she do that when she had Danny.  Brynne was starting to feel guilty and embarrassed now that she started to piece parts of it all together.  There was still so much missing but what she could discern she needs to ask Danny for forgiveness when she sees him. 

Sean had led Brynne to a bedroom to lay down after getting off the phone. He thought she couldn't handle everything that's going on.  He walked back into the living room, sat in the plush chair and ceremoniously put his head in his hands.  He racked his brain on what he could do to get his Pookie to remember him, toremember her life here with all of them.   He wiped the tears from his cheek before the rest of the men in the room seen it.  But each of them were dealing with the pain of her loss in their own way. 

Sean looked up finally to his brothers and asked Kota, "Have you gotten in contact with the rest of them?  We need to have a family meeting before he gets here."

Kota shook his head.  Damn Sean he interrupted his coping mechanism.  He had already counted to 500 and was in the process of counting back down.  He had gotten all the way down to 11.  He fealt the irony that he was just that close to getting back to 10. 

     North was fuming trying to figure out why Sang was acting like this.  They shared too much history and she was too kindhearted to play this kind of hurtful joke of not knowing him.  All he could think of us getting his hands on whatever brother of his taught his baby how to lie like this.  Sean asked about a family meeting and jarred him into the here and now. "Yeah everyone should be here within the next hour or so.  Was there really someone on the other line from Illinois?  Is she playing a joke or is this real?"

"Actually she called someone in New Hampshire.  He said his name was Danny like she said and they have been together for as long as he can remember.  She disappeared almost a year ago according to him that's all I'm saying until everyone gets here because I'm going to need Silas to contain you when you hear all of it.  I'm also going to need Victor to confirm all of the names and information he gave me because there are records if what he says is true."

North was really mad how could Sean think there was something about his baby that could make him mad enough to need Silas to restrain him.  If he let Silas restrain him.

Kota was back up to 327 when what he heard actually registered into his consciousness.  His perfect 10 wasn't theirs anymore and he didn't know what to do.  His whole life he had to be the strong one, the leader, the person to stay strong while everyone around him crumbled.  He was fine with his role the academy had cast for him except this once.  He wanted to just crumble to the floor fling his glasses across the room and scream.  He contemplated doing just that when Sean walked over to where he had unknowingly started pacing.  Sean clasped his shoulder and drew him into a hug.  He wasn't used to anyone other than his mother, his sister or Sang's arms being around him, so he stood there stiffly until he realized Sean was crying.  Comfort he could do that Sean must have sensed his unease so gave him a way of letting some of his emotions out in the form of comforting someone else, shared emotions.  As he held Sean he counted again and refused to stop until he got back to 10.


As always I have not edited or proofread.  If anyone finds problems or errors please let me know. I'm sorry about the wait and length of this update.  I hit a writers block so just posting what I've got so far.  There's going to be a lot of drama tear shed and enlightenment in the updates to come.  I know where its going just not sure which roads we will take.  <3 B

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