A Perfect Eleven

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Brynne looked down at the mop of curly black hair that she knew was her daughter, but this girl was so tall almost coming to her shoulder already.  Tears fell down her cheeks as matching green eyes met hers with tears as well, "Ari, why are you crying baby girl was Daddy mean to you in the car on the way here?"

Ari laughed at that, "No, Mommy I'm just so happy to see you. I knew you would never leave me for long.  Did Daddy tell you that they found the bad men that took you away from me.  I'm not supposed to say anything but Uncle John was one of the bad men that took you away.  Daddy said it will be a long time until he sees the light of day again whatever that means. Daddy thinks I don't know but I'm a little ninja who knows everything."  Brynne's heart swelled with pride.

"Who are all of these men Mommy, did they rescue you from the bad men? Are they like the knights in the bedtime stories you would read me at night.  They are very handsome like knights should be.  Can I keep them Mommy?" Ariadne asked looking at each man. Brynne couldn't help but giggle at her daughter. 

All the men's eyes were starting to tear up as they looked at the beautiful child with her arms still around her mother as they giggled together.  Ariadne looked angelic with long black silky curls, a heart shaped face with full cheeks, her mothers green eyes and full lips, a button nose and honey colored skin is what met their curious eyes. They looked at each other and smiled knowing that they would have no problem with their plan because this tiny bird had already stolen a piece of each of their hearts. While they were day dreaming they failed to see the two newcomers enter the house.

Their attention was brought back as they heard Brynne squeal and throw herself into one of the men's arms.  He was of medium stature and height with dark skin and eyes and a completely shaved head. The man standing beside him was a tall lanky red head with almost amber colored eyes.  The men anxiously waited for Brynne to finish her hug fest with these unknown to them males.  They were sure it was Danny and Billy but until she told them they were going to stay wary. 

Ari sensing their unease walked straight to North put her hand out and said, "Hello, my name is Ariadne
Janae Williams.  Are you all going to be my Daddies too? Because I love having extra daddies, it makes me extra special you know.  I see how you are all looking at my Mommy.  That means you love her.  Are you going to marry her?  If you do can I be a part of it like I was when Daddy married Poppy.  I call him poppy because his hair is red. Hmmm what should I call all of you." 

Ari circled and inspected each of the men in turn then turned back and stated matter of factly, "Yup, you'll make good Daddies for me too. How are we going to make this happen?  Can any of you talk because quiet Daddies are scary Daddies?"

Sean ever the ladies man in his mind got down on one knee to look this cherub in the eyes. "Of course baby bird, we were all just rendered speechless by your presence and beauty my lady.  Please assist us in wooing you Mommy into marrying us.  Will you help, Lady Ariadne?"

Ari's laughter made all their hearts yearn to make this enchanting little bird do it again.  "You are silly, I like you.  I already asked Mommy if I can keep you all and she didn't say no.  Maybe she'll say yes and we can all play princess. He can be the dragon." Pointing at North.

Owen knelt down as well and whispered in Ariadne's ear.  She nodded her head and skipped away toward her parents. 

Brynne was speaking to Danny in hushed tones. "Are you sure you are okay with this?  Because if you aren't we can figure something else out.  I know it's going to be hard for you and Billy but it's what I really want."  

Brynne smiled and led the men to the rest of the group.  "Sorry to seem like I was avoiding introducing all of you.  This is my brother and my new brother-in-law, Billy and Danny.  These are the other parts of my heart, North, Silas, Nathan, Luke, Gabriel, Kota, Victor, Sean and Owen. And it looks like Ari has already introduced herself to you." 

Ariadne looked at the men smiled then grabbed a hold of Owen's hand.  "Mommy, I really like them can we please keep them forever and ever?" She pouted her lip and looked up with a puppy eyed expression.

"Oh hell, trouble, make her stop it's worse then when you do it.  Please just agree so she'll stop and I can just hug her lip back in."  Gabriel whined. 

Brynne smiled at them all, motioned for Ari to come to her, leaned down and whispered in her ear.  Ari jumped up and down "Mommy said yes new daddies, now which daddy do I owe a hug because I'm sorry I made you sad."

Brynne looked at the room with a smirk on her face, Ari was currently fulfilling Gabe's hug request and if Gabe's distant dreamy look on his face is any indication, he's already dreaming of the clothes they are going to get her and he probably claimed her hair as well already.  Ari squealed and giggled.  Yup that confirmed that assumption.

"Ok, I have a proposal for you all.  You all complete me in different ways.  I can't imagine not spending the rest of my life with all nine of you so I would like to know will you all marry me?  And I can't bear to live without Danny, Billy and my baby girl.  I propose we get married share custody of Ariadne with Danny and Billy and they just move into this house when we all move in together.  Ari can stay with whoever she feels like at the time.  Does that sound ok with you Danny?"

The men were all looking at Brynne with love in their eyes just nodding.  Danny looked at her and held her hand firmly. "We would be honored to be here in your life and can easily share our daughter.  It sounds like a grwat idea but Sang are you sure that you want to give us your house?"

"Of course it needs new memories and can't think of anyone else living here but you."

"Okay, if your absolutely sure Sang I'll start calling moving companies." Danny kept looking at the shocked men in the room and just shook his head.

"Wait, he just called you Sang!  Really your sure?" Luke the one who day dreamed the most was the first to realize that she had made her decision. 

Sang was soon the center of a group hug again but this time she wasn't alone.  She had a certain raven haired cherub joining her being lovingly embraced by their new family... All eleven of the men hugging the two beauties inside.

Ok hope you all enjoyed this as much as I did.  If you find any errors mistakes or problems please let me know so I can edit now that it's complete. Love you all <3 B

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