Part Two

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Brynne stared at the guy in front of her with her hand out waiting for the phone.  He was really cute but she was faithful to Danny.  No matter how cute these guys are.  Billy has gone above and beyond this time, she thought.  He finally hands her the phone but she stands there staring at the screen saver for a minute before looking up at the blond with questions in her eyes.  "Can you please explain this?  How did you do this is it Photoshopped?  How can you have a picture of the both of us when I just met you?  I need my Danny.  Where am I anyways so I can tell him where to pick me up at?" 

"Do you really not know where you have lived the last 7 months?"  Sean asked her.  Brynne was starting to get frustrated.  How dare this person she doesn't even know assume to know more than her about her life. 

"Look I'm not in the mood for fucking games, it's bad enough I have to live with it.  All I can say is Billy must have paid you big, because you are good.  I'm so telling his dad about this when he gets home.  Where's my mom by the way?  It is unlike her to go along with one of the pranks.  She's usually has me under her thumb unless I'm with Danny, Billy, or Roger. Those are the only men she trusts me with.  She keeps warning me about my reject of a sperm donor.  What road am I on at least.  I can go outside and wait for Danny.  He should be home from football camp by now." Brynne still couldn't take her eyes off the picture on Sean's phone.  It showed her with Sean standing behind her making a silly face at the camera as she laughed.  Brynne honestly couldn't remember the last time she laughed as hard as she obviously did in the picture.

She dialed the number and pressed the call button on the phone. *I'm sorry the number you are trying to call can not reached at this time please check the number and try again.*  "What the fucking hell?!? Why isn't Danny answering his fucking phone?"

"Did you put the area code in when you dialed it?" Kota asked as he pushed his black rimmed glasses back up on the bridge of his nose.  He knew it was a nervous habit but he fealt hopeless in this situation which unnerved him.

"Why would I need to do that it's a local call.  Did you do something to him?"  Brynne was starting to feel frantic.  Something definitely wasn't right here.  She needed her lifeline to calm herself.  She had to reach Danny before the anxiety attack hit.

"Honey, I have a feeling you're not in Kansas anymore." A grumpy deep voice said.  Brynne looked over to North with a scowl on her face.  She really did not like this man.  He gave her a weird vibe.  Hell they all did, it fealt like deja vu talking to them.

Brynne put the number in with the area code and heard a ring on the other side.  After about 4 rings she heard a familiar voice, "Lo, do you have wrong number or something because if you selling something I'm not buying."

All she could do was whisper, "Danny, I need you."  When all hell broke loose on the other side of the phone.  "Oh shit, Brynne is that really you baby?  I had given up ever hearing your sweet voice again.  Where are you?"

Brynne  looked over at Sean to ask where she was yet once again to see him with his hand out for the phone.  She didn't know why but knew she could trust him, so handed him the phone back. At least just hearing Danny's voice seemed to ebb the anxiety some.

Sean took the phone and held it to his ear, "Hello, yes this is my phone.  No she is fine, she appears to have no memories of the last few months at all.  Of course, where are you coming from.  I will send you a text for you to input into your GPS.  Please do not involve the police on this end yet.  We are still trying to figure everything out here.  Yes, I was until her memory of you came back. No, I knew her by a different name.  We can discuss it when you get here in about 12 hours.  You can reach her at this number at any time unless I get called into work at the hospital.  Yes, I'm work in the emergency room.  Yes, I know you do but so do I.  I will have her contact you from a different phone if I leave so you can contact her at any time if you feel the need to reassure yourself its not a joke or a dream.  I understand if I were in your shoes I would feel the same.  Drive safely Danny. Oh I aplolgize I was so concerned with Sang I didn't introduce myself. Sean Green, yeah that's the name we all knew her by here for last 7 months. Ok talk to you later. Bye" 

Sean put the phone down from his ear looked at everyone in the room and calmly stated.  "It's time for a family meeting, Kota, North start the texts as soon as possible so we can all get on the same page.  Brynne, Danny is on his way but he is about 12 hours away if you can wait until everyone gets here we will try our best to answer any questions you may have and let you know whats going on."  With saying that he sighed and flung himself on the couch almost in despair. 

North looked over at him, "Why do I have the feeling nothings ever going to be the same again?"

Sean just looks at him with sadness in his eyes, "That's because it isn't.  We finally lost her but not to who or what we thought it would be.  Get everyone here I will explain what I understand.  Her boyfriend is on the way to get her. That's all I will say until everyone is here I don't feel like saying this more than once. Get Victor on the phone to look up a few names for me. We may have found out why she's a ghost."

Have not edited so apologize for any mistakes will fix when I edit at a later date.

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