Chapter Five - Dionysus

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Chapter Five

"Greek or Roman?"

I gasp dramatically, holding my hand over my chest. "That question offends me right to my very core. Is there even a brain inside that pretty head of yours?"

Chloe pauses, a strange look crossing her face; she looks torn between taking my comment as an insult or a compliment. "Well, you are awfully indecisive, my lord."

"I used to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure." I reply impishly, cackling at my own joke.

"You still haven't answered my question, my lord."

"Did you not hear me before when I said that question was inordinately offensive? Really Chloe, you're not helping to dissipate all the creative ways my mind is coming up with to kill you." I hold my head in my hands. "Must. Resist. Homicidal. Urges."

"Stop being a dick for two seconds Spencer and answer the damn question." Chloe snaps. I blink, taken aback.

"Why are you suddenly being so mean?" I pout slightly, eyeing her warily. "I like the nice sweet Chloe who agrees with everything I say."

"Well I liked the Dionysus who wasn't a dick to everyone." She retorts. "But neither of us are apparently getting who they like, so can you please just tell me; Greek or Roman?"

"Hold up a minute." I frown, folding my arms. "Why are you calling me a dick too? I expect it from Selene but not from you. I mean, you called me an asshole before but you're a Bacchae; you've learnt from the best how to pull jokes out of your asses and not mean them."

"I wasn't joking!" She cries, finally loosing her temper. I raise my eyebrows at her and she blushes, taking a deep breath and brushing her red hair out of her face. "Look, It's not my place but-"

"No, it's not your place."

"Just think about what Selene was saying." She rushes out, before I can get another word in edgewise. "We're all worried about you."

"Worried about me." I scoff, rolling my eyes. "Worried about me. Why is everyone worried about me? This is how I normally am!" I throw my arms up in protest. "Why does nobody believe me?"

"Because you're being an asshole!"

"I'm always an asshole! Asshole was in my job description!"

She opens her mouth with a furious expression, but stops herself before she says anything and takes a deep breath. She talks through gritted teeth. "Greek or Roman?"

I scowl at her and abruptly stand up. "Egyptian or Norse?"


"What, we're not naming civilisations?" I drawl sarcastically, grabbing a cigarette out of my pocket and lighting it with a flick of my lighter. "I'm going for a walk. Try not to worry yourself into too much of a mess while I'm gone."


"I'll answer your damn question when I get back, alright?" I dismiss her with a wave of my hand, stalking into the vineyards with the scowl still etched on my face.

I really need to work on Chloe, she's ruining my happy-go-lucky mojo.

I take a deep breath in and let it out through my lips slowly, watching the grey smoke colour the air in front of my face.

Did she have a point though? That's the question that's really starting to bug me. Of course I ignored Selene when she berated me; she tells me off for almost every single thing that I do so much that I've adapted to just tune her out when she gets her Dionysus face on.

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