Chapter Seven - Dionysus

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disclaimer: i know literally no italian apart from hello lololol if any of this is wrong, please tell me so i can correct it xoxo

sorry this took me so long to update guys!! i have no internet cause i used all my family's internet up lolol so i've had to wait until i went camping with caitlin before i could update!!! but i promise i'll update again soon!! if i get another chapter written!! :D

Chapter Seven

"Hey Spencer!"

"Spencer! What's up man?"

"Spencer! Why the hell didn't you call me?!"

A variety of greetings trail me like a wake as I saunter through the university campus, lighting the air around me like a Christmas tree with their colourful words. I can't help but smirk to myself at the last one, but I refuse to acknowledge them. Instead, I merely flick my Aviators further up my nose with my thumb and forefinger and hum a tuneless song as I lazily meander towards the building where my Advanced Italian lecture is situated.

I'm not going to lie; I signed up for that class as a complete piss-take. I know and fluently speak every known language to man - as well as all the languages humanity decided to coincidentally forget - and so every Advanced language course is a complete joke to me. Half the time, the lecturers don't even know the language as well as they claim, so it's always fun to challenge them and watch them sweat themselves into a messy heap. Other times, when I'm really bored, I pretend to be as intelligent as a rock, and get a front row seat to the show that is "How Long Does it Take A Language Lecturer to Explode From Anger".

I'm a terrible person really. It truly is a gift.

Just as I approach the languages building, someone bumps into me and almost knocks me over. I whirl around, a bitter quip on the tip of my tongue, but it dies in my throat when I see who it is.

"Sorry." Kenzie mumbles as she keeps her head down, rushing past me without waiting for me to say anything.

"Watch it!" I call after her half-assedly, too lazy to say anything more. She doesn't reply, and practically trips over her own feet in her haste to get to her next class. I chuckle, rolling my eyes as I watch her go. I'd usually be offended that she ignored me so callously, but for some reason I find her desperation to get to her next class before it begins oddly endearing.

I pause in my tracks, wrinkling up my nose in disgust. Jesus, what am I thinking? Did I really just use the word endearing? I barely know the girl; why am I even using the word 'endearing' in my vocabulary? That's just nasty, that is.

I check my watch, and wince slightly. Speaking of nasty, my lecture is about to start; actually no, scratch that, my lecture is starting. If I want to keep up the pretense that I'm a good little student, I really need to get to the lecture.


I smirk, slowly turning around on the balls of my feet. What? I did say pretense, I didn't say I was going to be a good student. And right now, I really can't be bothered being a good student and attending my ridiculous lecture.

"Hey Ryan." I grin as the brunette guy who called out my name approaches me, two of his friends flanking him on either side. "What's up man?"

"Failing uni spectacularly, but what's new?" Ryan chuckles. "Haven't seen you round here in ages! Where have you been?"

"Avoiding this hellhole." I smirk, and they all laugh. "What, did you really think that I actually go to my classes?"

"So why are you here then?" He jokes.

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