Chapter Twenty-Seven - Dionysus

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Chapter Twenty-Seven

All the blood drains from Kenzie's face. The phone drops from her hand and crashes onto the floor with a loud bang. I frown, dropping to a crouch in front of her.

"Dollface? What's the matter?"

She doesn't move. Her face is completely devoid of emotion, and her eyes stare right through me. I cup her cheeks, tilting her head down so she's looking me in the eye, and the look on her face scares the absolute shit out of me.

"Kenzie, what's going on? You're scaring me."

"They've got her." She states it like she's stating something as mundane as the weather. "They have Jasmine."

I inhale sharply and snatch the phone off the floor. Jo is still yammering hysterically away.

"Jo? It's Spencer. Calm down." I tell her sharply. She shuts up. "Who were they?"

"I don't know Spencer! People?! I don't know every fricking person in the world, and I don't exactly associate myself with those who kidnap little girls for fun-"

"Jo, you're not going to help us if you freak out." I don't bother wasting time trying to reassure her. "Did you get a glance of what they looked like?"

"Uh, I think so?" Jo stammers. "One was this blonde chick from uni who Kenzie and I always hated because she was a mega slut, and she had this big guy with her who I swear to god had horns or some crazy shit growing out of his hair-"

"Okay." I interrupt her before she goes off on another hysterical tangent. "We're on our way. Don't call the police Jo."

"But-" She starts to protest, but I end the call before she can get another word out. I throw the phone down on the bed next to Kenzie, never taking my eyes off her.

"We'll find her Kenzie. I know where we're going, and it'll be the same place that they're taking her. They only did this to draw me out, because they think they can defeat me. They don't know that Circe has given me an uber energy drink. We'll find Jasmine, take back my thrysus and stop Chloe from taking over the world all in the same breath, okay?"

She blinks several times, glancing falteringly down at me. Her bright blue eyes, which usually warm me with their iridescent shine, are glazed over with icy fear. She swallows hard. "You promise?"

"Cross my heart dollface." I smile at her. "Don't you worry your pretty little mind. Your ruggedly handsome and charming knight in shining armor is gonna kick the shit out of Chloe and all the other nymphs who even thought kidnapping Jasmine was a good idea."

"Okay." She whispers, glancing down her her hands. I squeeze them and push myself up to my feet, my expression hardening. The other three all watch me silently, Circe for once in her life deciding not to make a biting quip.

"Where are we going?" Evie asks quietly.

"Crete." I rifle through Kenzie's bag and throw her a t-shirt and tights. "Get dressed dollface."

Kenzie wordlessly stands up and crosses to the bathroom.

Evie and Persephone share a confused look. "Why Crete?" Persephone asks cautiously.

"Because it's where Ariadne's buried." I shoot them a bitter smile, and their eyes widen. I shrug. "Last place I'd look."

"How are we going to get there though Spencer?" Evie asks.

"That's where I will step in darling." Circe speaks up from where she's leaning against the doorframe. She shoots us a sly smile. "What can I say? I've always had a soft spot for a good cause. Besides, it's just across the river, no big stretch at all darlings. It'll get you all out of my hair anyway. Nevertheless though Dionysus, you will still have to find your way to my dear niece's grave; my power is somewhat limited in it's reach."

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