Chapter Eight - Kenzie

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Chapter Eight

"Why is your cheek all prickly?" Jasmine asks Spencer, poking his face curiously.

I bury my face in my sleeves so Spencer can't see my burning red cheeks. "Jasmine, leave him alone!"

"No, it's okay." Spencer chuckles, grabbing Jasmine's finger and removing it from his face. He watches her unwaveringly, a serious look on his face. "You want to know why?"

"Yes!" She whispers, completely enamored by him.

He crouches down, motioning her forward with a long finger. "It's a secret, are you sure you can keep it for me?"

Jasmine nods eagerly, her whole face lighting up. "I promise!"

Spencer leans forward so he's close to her ear. His bright green eyes flicker over to me, and I shake my head slightly at the impish look in them. He turns back to Jasmine. "I've got baby hedgehogs hiding in my cheeks."

"What?!" Jasmine shrieks, staring at him with big blue eyes.

I splutter into laughter and fall back against the slide, slightly breathless from laughing so hard. Jasmine whips around to stare at me, incredulity clear on her petite little features. "Hedgehogs?"

"He's kidding Jassy." I tell her, biting back a smile. This time it's Spencer who splutters.

"Mi scusi!" He gasps, and I roll my eyes at his dramatics. "How do you know it's not baby hedgehogs?"

"Biology." I reply dryly. He wrinkles his nose up at me.

"You're the most boring person in the world, you know that dollface?"

Jasmine, completely disregarding our conversation, pokes Spencer in the face again, drawing his attention back down to her. "Can I tell you a secret?"

"Sure!" Spencer grins, his expression lighting up like a little kid's. I smile a little. I would never admit it to him, but he's really surprised me with how amazing he's been with Jasmine; I never would have expected that a person like him would have such a soft side, and be so good with little kids. But then again, he is remarkably close to a child in personality, so maybe it's not that much of a stretch.

I crinkle up my nose a little. Dammit, Jo was right. Maybe I was too quick to judge him.

God, she is never going to let me hear the end of it.

"My secret is..." She pauses, just as dramatic as Spencer. "I need more ice-cream!"

"Is that so?" He arches an eyebrow. "Why do you need more ice-cream?"

"I'll die." She says, squeezing her eyes shut and sticking her tongue out to emphasize her point.

I stifle a laugh, and Spencer turns to look at me at the noise. He grins wickedly. "Is it your weakness Jasmine?"

Jasmine nods seriously. "My dead weakness."

I make a face at him, poking out my tongue. "Don't encourage her Spencer."

"But dollface!" He widens his eyes at me. "She'll die if I don't buy her ice-cream soon!"

"And you'll die if you buy her some." I narrow my eyes at him. "Just saying."

He gasps, jumping to his feet. He glances at Jasmine, grinning at her conspiratorially. "Quick Jasmine, we better run before she catches us!"

Jasmine squeals and chases after him as he runs away cackling, her short legs having to run three times as much to keep up with his long ones. Spencer winks at me over his shoulder. "Catch us if you can!"

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