Chapter Ten - Kenzie

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Chapter Ten

The first thought that runs through my mind when I wake up the next morning is; Oh my god my head.

Which is quickly followed by; holy shit, this is not my bed.

I bolt upright and regret it immediately, almost throwing up on the spot from how much my head pounds like an over-energetic drummer. Squinting around the darkened room, I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and take in several deep breath. After a few minutes of awkwardly fumbling around I manage to find a light-switch next to the bed, and it clicks a lamp next to the bed into light. With some light finally shed on my situation, I finally notice the glass of water and a couple of aspirin on the table the lamp is resting on. Half-wondering why they're there but still grateful all the same, I pop the pills in my mouth, swallowing them down with the glass of water. As soon as I've downed the glass of water the fogginess in my head almost clears, and I feel slightly more human.

That's when I remember what happened last night.

I groan, rubbing my face with my hands vigorously. I can't believe Jo let me get to the stage of blackout drunk, let alone allowing me to have that much to drink in the first place; the last thing I can remember is arriving at Spencer's front door, and I hate the feeling of not knowing what happened the rest of the night.

Speaking of Jo, where the hell is she? We'd arranged for me to crash at hers until I felt sober enough to return home.

My heart drops so much I'm surprised I don't see it falling through the floor. This isn't my bed. This isn't Jo's spare bed. I don't recognise the room.

I don't know where I am.

My father is going to kill me.

That terrifying realisation kicks me right out of the bed, and I stumble out of the room quicker than the Flash on steroids. In that moment I don't even care how horrendous I look; all I care about is getting home before my father sends out a hit-man to assassinate me.


I freeze like a deer caught in headlights, slowly swiveling around on my heels. Please don't be a one night stand, please don't be a one night stand, please don't be a one night stand.

Somehow, the person that I see watching me with an amused expression on his face is even worse than a random one night stand. Horror stains my cheeks bright red.

Oh my god no.


He takes a casual sip of his coffee, his green eyes fixed on me. "You look like shit."

I glance down and blush even harder when I notice that I'm still wearing my dress from last night. I pull it down self-consciously, folding my arms across my chest tightly. "Why am I here?"

"Well, this is my house..." He trails off, raising an eyebrow at me. "Where I hosted a party that you crashed, so..."

"I know that!" I snap. "Why am I here now?"

Spencer shrugs, not at all affected by the crappy mood I'm in. "After you stormed off all upset after our chat by the pool, I made everyone leave. Jo came back looking for you, and I realised you hadn't left with her like I thought, so we searched the house til we found you. You were completely out of it and neither Jo nor I particularly wanted to carry a ragdoll down three flights of stairs, so I let you crash here. Coffee?"

He made everyone leave because of me? My heart swells a little, and a small smile darts across my lips. But the smile drops off my face as quickly as it arrived as everything else that he said registers in my mind. "You found me unconscious?"

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