Chapter Twenty-Three - Dionysus

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so this is kind of an early update to say thank you all so much for getting hades up to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND READS!!!!

I'm literally sitting here like this !!!!!! staring at the screen because i can't believe it??

thank you all so much, this is the least i could do to say thank you!!! <3

sidenote: i listened to 'san francisco' by 5 seconds of summer and suggest you do too while you're reading it c;

Chapter Twenty-Three

Evie's eyes bug out. "Spencer!"

Kenzie visibly flinches back from me like I've slapped her. "What?"

My stomach drops. Oh, shit. Guilt immediately courses through me when I catch sight of her expression. "Dollface wait, that came out wrong."

"Came out wrong? Came out wrong?!" She laughs bitterly. "So you meant to say something like that anyway?"


"Well I mean god Spencer, I'm so sorry you were disappointed to find I wasn't your dead wife back around for a screw!" She yells, and this time I flinch. "I am so sorry; that must have been such a disappointment for you!"

"Kenzie." Evie wraps her arms around her, giving me a hard look as she steers Kenzie away. "Walk away. You're not making any sense and you're just going to say something you regret. Just walk away."

"There's only one thing I regret right now." Kenzie snaps, glaring at me as Evie leads her back to her tent. "And that's being stupid enough to trust you."

I swallow back my reply and instead watch in silence as Evie pushes Kenzie into her tent. As soon as they've both disappeared, I abruptly turn around and punch the tree behind me with a loud yell. Why the fuck did I say that? What the hell have I done?

"That doesn't help." Evie suddenly speaks up from behind me. I lean my forearm against the tree and don't move for a long time, clenching and unclenching my fists several times as I try to compose myself. When I finally do turn around she's watching me with the most disappointed look on her face, and that messes me up even more. "What the hell Spencer?"

"It was the alcohol?" I offer weakly.

"The alcohol? God Spencer, you can't always blame it on the alcohol!" She cries, shoving me repeatedly into the tree. I don't even attempt to stop her, the all-consuming guilt just as sharp as the pain that shoots through me like a bullet every time she slams me into the tree. "What, now you're not even going to stop me?"

"You'd find some other way to beat me up if I did."

"Of course I would!" She bursts out, shoving me one last hard time. "What the hell were you thinking Spencer?"

"I wasn't thinking!" I snap. "Obviously!"

"Like hell you weren't!" Suddenly the fight leaves her all at once, and instead she just looks at me sadly. "You know, I thought that perhaps you'd stopped being this big of an asshole, that perhaps you'd woken up and realised that maybe, just maybe this girl was the best thing that had ever happened to you, but maybe I was wrong. Maybe you're still blinded by your own stupidity. I mean, god Spencer, you're my best friend and you know I'll always be on your side, but what you just said was a huge dick move. I'm surprised she didn't chew you out more than she did; in what world did you think-"

"I know Evie." I interject quietly, unable to hear any more. "Look, I know, alright?"

"I can tell you've changed Spencer. I can tell by just looking at you that you regret what you said, which I know is a big change for you." Evie sighs, her expression remorseful. "But Kenzie doesn't know that. She doesn't know. So please, please make it up to her before you screw it all up more than you have."

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