Chapter Six - Kenzie

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Chapter Six

"How did your test go?"

I grit my teeth, slinging my satchel further up on my shoulder.


Maybe if I keep ignoring him he'll go away.


Dammit. Why does that never work?

Jo shoots me an amused look. "Are you going to get that?"

My gaze flickers briefly back to the blonde guy doggedly following us, and my scowl deepens. Ever since that time he ran into me up in the vineyard, he's been following me around like a demented puppy, and his pathetic attempts at simultaneously trying to get me to talk to him and attempting to flirt my pants off have been driving me to the precipice of mind-numbing insanity. For a week. Why he's decided to persist in trying to get me to talk to him, I have no idea. It's not like I haven't made it clear to him that I don't want to talk to him; I've literally been ignoring him the entire time and it hasn't swayed him at all. At all. He's frustratingly stubborn and it's slowly driving me towards extremely violent and illegal tendencies. "I'll let it go to voicemail."

"Let it go to voicemail? Wow, you really are something Mackenzie Merron." She laughs, shaking her head. "How did your test go, by the way? You'll answer me, right?" She winks at me. "Baby, you know I'm worth your time."

I snort at her ridiculousness. "Baby, everyone except you is worth my time."

"Hear that Spencer?" Jo turns to shoot the boy behind us a conniving grin. "You've got a better chance than me! Not that I'm interested anyway; she's too brunette and female for me."

"I knew she couldn't resist my charms." He smirks at me.

I groan, my face falling into my hands. "Jo don't encourage him!"

"We finally cracked her!" Jo cackles, spinning around to high-five Spencer. "Congrats Goldy, you're officially in!"

I glower at her. "You're both going to hell for this."

"Been there. Boring place really, the locals are devilish." Spencer shrugs, an impish twinkle in his eye. "Besides, what did I ever do to you? I'm an angelic person."

I freeze, swiveling around to stare at him in disbelief. "You, angelic?" I snicker. "Yeah. Okay."

"So many insults in such little time, you're breaking my heart here dollface." He teases. Almost against my will I start to smile at his lame attempt at flirting with me, and it takes everything in me to not let that smile show on my face. I resort to punching Jo instead.

"Hey!" She complains, faked hurt twisting up her pretty asian features. "What was that for?"

"Acknowledging the spawn of Satan." I twist up my nose in disgust.

"Hey! I have met Satan and I am personally insulted you think I am his spawn." Spencer points his finger at me. "You, dollface, are rude."

I frown, completely bewildered by his insinuation. "What?"

"So. Your test. How did it go?" Spencer presses, changing the subject very obviously. I almost growl in utter frustration, but smother the urge and force myself to instead stare straight ahead. I can practically feel the smirk he throws in my direction when he realises I'm back to ignoring him. "Oh come on dollface, I'm getting the cold shoulder again? You know you can't resist my boyish charm."

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