Chapter Seventeen - Dionysus

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[warning: extreme screaming is expected in the comments so do not disappoint me]

Chapter Seventeen

"I don't understand why you feel the need for this."

"How else are we going to get to New Zealand Spencer?"

"Me!" I gesture at myself. "Myself! The whole I'm-a-god shebang? Me?!"

"Spencer we're not thick." Kenzie says quietly. "We know somethings up."

"And we're not taking any chances." Evie adds on. "We need our residential god to be at his best."

I snort at that. "So you're reducing me to ride in a plane? In coach?"

"Oh come on Spencer, it's not like we're making you ride in the baggage decks." Evie scoffs. "You gods and your superiority complexes will be the death of me, I swear."

"I don't have a superiority complex." I grumble.

Even Kenzie laughs at that. Hysterically, might I add.

Once she's finally finished laughing at my expense, Kenzie smiles sweetly, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she gently pushes me towards the boarding gate. "Don't worry Spencer, your secret is safe with me."

"Oh ha ha." I drawl dryly, flashing my ticket to the flight attendant. "I call shotgun to the window seat then."

"What are you, eight?" Kenzie asks incredulously.

"I am! How did you know?" I gasp theatrically, laying my free hand on my chest.

She shakes her head, glancing over at Evie. "He's our residential god?"

Evie grins. "Hey, I didn't pick him for our team."

I glare at her. "I don't want to sit next to you."

She smirks at me. "Yeah sure, that's the reason you don't want me to sit next to you."

I refuse to give her the satisfaction of watching me flounder for a reply, so instead I glare at her for several long seconds in the plane's walkway until Kenzie nudges me forward.

"Don't worry Spencer, I'm sitting next to you." She mediates. "And I actually have the window seat, so ha."

"That doesn't reassure me at all!" I protest. "I'm sitting between you two!"

"Spencer." She gives me a look. "Stop your damn arguing and put the bags away already. You're holding the entire plane up."

"Fine." I grunt, grudgingly shoving all of our bags into the overhead lockers and shuffling over a little so Kenzie can squeeze past me to her seat.

"So whipped." Evie sings under her breath as soon as Kenzie's out of earshot.

I elbow her as hard as I can.

"How long does it take to get from Athens to New Zealand?" Kenzie asks as I sit down, grabbing the blanket from under her chair and bundling herself in it like a mummy.

"With the stopovers? Around twenty two hours." I shrug, tucking the small airline pillow behind my head.

"Perfect." She sighs, her eyes fluttering shut as she grabs the airline headphones out of the pocket. She plugs them into her phone, slipping them over her ears. "I haven't had a decent sleep since before Jasmine was born. Wake me, and you're dead."

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