Chapter Eighteen - Kenzie

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here is the chapter you've all been waiting for ;D let me know what you all think of it (and if you're secretly as excited as me that spenzie is finally happening). xx

Chapter Eighteen

Spencer's kissing me.

I stand there completely shell-shocked for several long seconds, the incredibly strange realization that Spencer's lips are on my own scrambling my brain and any response at all for what feels like an eternity.

Then my brain recovers enough to start screaming oh my god Spencer is kissing me oh my god Spencer is kissing me, oh my godspenceriskissingmeohmygodspenceriskissingme, my eyes instinctively flutter shut, and against all my better reason I kiss him back.

As soon as I respond his grip on my hips tighten, and he tugs me forward until my body is pressed up flush against his. In the back of my mind I dreamily realise that our bodies fit in perfect sync with one another, like two pieces of a puzzle. My heart stutters erratically, and hot tingles shoot up and down my body like lightening bolts from all the spots where my body touches his. Spencer tilts his head to the side, deepening the kiss, and in that moment all rational thoughts explode from my brain in a burst of electrifying passion.

All of a sudden I'm not on a wild goose chase trying to find the psychotic tree nymph who potentially killed my father and sister and stole Spencer's thrysus; I'm not even on the planet. I'm flying, gliding straight through cloud nine all the way to the stars.

He tasted like summer and the sea, like sweet peaches and salt, and oh god was that addicting. I didn't know until this very moment just how much I wanted this, how much I needed this. God, it felt endless. And from the way Spencer moans slightly as he kisses me, I know he feels the exact same way.

I'm brought crashing back down to earth when several people start wolf-whistling and Spencer reluctantly pulls away, his breath ragged. I bring my hand up to cup his cheek slightly, looking up at him for several long seconds as my mind slowly clears from his kiss-inducing fog.

Then I slap him.

"See, that's exactly what I'm talking about!" I cry, and he stares at me in complete bewilderment. I swallow, lowering my voice to a choked up whisper. "I can't keep falling for you if I don't know you."

"Okay, ow." He starts, looking at me woundedly. I don't fail to notice that his arms are still tightly wound around my waist, but I don't make any move to remove them. To be honest, I don't ever want to. Spencer's expression softens. "Kenzie, it was my last intention to confuse you."

I scoff. "Then what was your intention Spencer? And I'm sick of your bullshit, so don't spin a lie."

"You want honesty dollface?" He shrugs slightly, dropping his hands from my waist. Almost instantly I start to miss their electrifying warmth. "I don't know. I honestly don't know what my intentions were, but I know what my intentions weren't."

"What?" I frown up at him.

"Kenzie, I'm a confusing person. That's never going to change, and you can't expect that to change. Unfortunately, it's just who I am." Grabbing my hand, Spencer leads me over to where our shoes are lying in the sand and tugs me down to sit next to him. I tuck my knees up to my chest and rest my cheek on my knees, looking over at him. In the distance the sun slowly starts setting in the sky, casting a hazy orange glow over Spencer's golden features and ruffling his blond hair with it's light breeze. "But then again, several people have told me that I've been a little more... What did you call it? Bipolar, than usual."

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