Chapter 3

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After they left McDonalds...

***Ki's P.O.V.***

We were in the parking lot at the movies in about 5 minutes. Man, that bitch looked packed. I found a parking space and hurried to the entrance with Vinny and Ty.

"So what movie you wanna see, lil man?" I asked my baby boy. He looked around and shrugged his shoulders. Then, I saw something catch his eye.

"I wanna see Despicable Me 2!!!!!" he screamed. I laughed and nodded in agreement. Anything for my lil boy. We walked into the theater; Ty took Vinny to the screening room while I got popcorn and drinks for the three of us. I was already about to get to the screening room with the popcorn and drinks, but then my phone rang. I sighed and answered my phone.

"Hello?" I said, kind of annoyed.

"He's dead!!!" I heard someone scream on the other side. I looked around in shock.

"Uhm... Excuse me?" I asked. I was starting to get scared.

"Mr. Harris... Our manager... He's dead!!" she yelled. My eyes widened. I finally knew who I was talking to! It was Lucy, one of my co-workers.

"Oh gosh... uh have you called the cops?!" I asked quickly. A million things were going through my mind. I wasn't thinking straight. Tears started forming.

"Yes of course!! They're heading over here with an ambulance," she said. I sighed, and then I hung up the phone and turned it off. I'll deal with that shit later. I walked into the screening room and sat down next to Vinny.

After the movie...

***Ty's P.O.V.***

The movie was great. I loved seeing Vin laugh and smile... but Ki was quiet the whole movie. That ain't like her at all so something was up. We were heading towards the car, and I heard her sniffle.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. She looked out of it, but she nodded slowly. I grabbed her by her shoulders, and looked straight into her eyes.

"Are you SERIOUSLY okay?" I asked. There was an awkward silence. Vincent looked up at his momma. I could see tears forming in her eyes. Oh shit! Someone hurt my sister!!! Shit's about to get real.

"Mr. Harris is dead," she mumbled. I looked at her. Since when did she care about that greedy ass old man?! I sighed and hugged her tightly. I felt tears fall on my shoulder.

"Aye. Look at me... Everything's gonna be fine! Now quit your cryin! You're messing up my shirt nigga!" I joked. She backed away, smiled, and wiped away some of her tears. "So what's gonna happen to the bar?" I asked her. She shrugged. "Well you know you're always welcome to join my business," I told her with a smile. She rolled her eyes and quickly walked away with Vinny.

***Ki's P.O.V.***

Man, my brother can't take a hint, I swear! I don't wanna be a part of his fucking crew!! I know I shouldn't have gotten so upset and walked away, but like what the fuck? Ughh! I shouldn't be such a bitch. I looked down at Vinny. He was looking around for Ty. I sighed and dialed my brothers number, but he didn't answer. I decided to text him.

Text Conversation (names are shown how they are in each person's phone):

Lil'Sis Ki: brodderrrr!!! :c im sorry for acting so bitchy... pleaseee answer your phone! me and Vinny are still here in the parking lot waiting for u because we really love and miss u!<3^.^

BigBroBro Ty<3: .... im on my way-.-

***Ty's P.O.V.***

Ki always gets all crazy when I start talking bout her joining my business. I just want what's best for her!!! I ain't gonna lie, I am pretty pissed since she left me standing there like a dumbass. Ima get back at her, though.

When I finally got to Ki's Camaro, I could hear some Nicki Minaj blasting on the speakers. I could also see Ki rapping and tapping the steering wheel to the beat. I laughed, and quickly opened the door. Her head turned quickly.

"Oh shit! You scared me!!!" she yelled. I smiled, and jumped into the car.

"Where we headed to now?" I asked Ki.

"What the fuck? Ain't you tired?!" she asked. We both laughed. I guess we were heading home now. Our ma was watching tv when we got home.

***Ki & Ty's Ma: Tina Martinez***

Aight so here's what's up: I'm Tina Martinez, mother of Tyson and Kiana Martinez. I'm 40 years old, and I have 1 amazing grandson. My husband, Jeremy Martinez, died a while back when Ty and Ki were young. I kinda went into depression, and ignored Ki and Ty. I regret it so much, but I can't change the past...

***Ki's P.O.V.***

I jumped on the couch next to my mom and started watching tv with her. She tapped me on my head, and I looked up at her.

"What?" I asked.

"How was your day?" she asked. I gave her a thumbs up, and she smiled. I got up, and headed towards my room. On the way, I heard Ty talking and playing with Vinny in his room. I smiled.

I opened the door to my room and looked around. Ughh! Vinny had my room looking crazy!!-.- I went to my drawers, and got out my neon pink sweat pants from Victoria Secret and a white undershirt. Then, I went to my bathroom and showered. When I got out, I changed, put my hair in a bun, and laid on my bed. It was barely 6:30, so I decided to watch tv and text my girly, Tenzia. Ten minutes later, and there was still no reply! I was bored, so I decided to text Daniel. I got the receipt from my purse, and added his number to my contacts.


Ayee!^.^ Hope yall are enjoying the story so far!! please vote and comment<3 Show some love(: I would really appreciate it! kk bye!! ;*

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