Chapter 14

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Up above is Rogue ^

I hear footsteps walk towards me. I'm still on my knees looking at the ground, holding back tears. The footsteps stop infront of me. I see the persons shoes. Tears start rolling down my cheeks. Everything was silent around me. The person holds out his hand to help me back on my feet. I look up to see that it was Dameon. Lena walks up behind him. I couldn't really see her expression sense I could see her face. I take Dameons hand as he helps me up. I wipe away the tears. I stand tall. Everyone cheers around us.

Lena walks up to me. Alittle light shows her face. She has red poofy eyes but she had a big smile on her face. I smiled under my scarf. Dameon walks up to Lena and I "Been awhile hasn't it.." He says while rubbing the back of his head awkwardly. Lena and I nod. I scan the room. Someone is not here.. I think and look around the room again. Dahye... I think to myself. All of the girls seemed love struck by Dameons appearance. I roll my eyes. Lena gives Dameon a hug. She looks me and pulls me into the hug. I hear Dameon chuckle. Next I hear footsteps. I get out of Lena and Dameons grasp and see Natsuan. "And who are you fine looking ladies?" He asks in a flirty way "Quite a show huh," he says while nudging me. I roll me eyes and walk away from him. He keeps following me. "Jesus will you leave me alone!" I half shout. He smirks and says "Not until I get your name, and your number," I grit my teeth He has changed so much.. I think getting ready to punch him. Dameon walks over to me and looks at Natsuan "Get your hands off my girlfriend!" Dameon says and look at him shocked, I knew he was joking to get Natsuan away from me, but really, he had to use the g word. Everyone looks at Dameon and I shocked. I roll my eyes and blush alittle at the same time "Your girlfriend, well you two don't act like a couple, nor do you guys look right together," Natsuan says getting on my last nerve, but I'm guessing he got on Dameons nerve first because Dameon punched him square in the face. Natsuan looks at Dameon with wide eyes "Wanna go bro!" He says as his fist ignite with flames. Dameon punches Natsuan again and Natsuan goes flying "So weak.." Dameon says from behind me. I hold in a laugh as everyone else laughs.

I wonder who else has a prom like this..

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