How Could You (Warning LEMON)

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I remember yesterday Yuki kissed Taurtis and I ran off we made her promise not too tell anyone that we were dating I'm just hoping she keeps the promise, I try to get up but Taurtis grabs my arm "Come on Taurtis let go, we have to get to school" I say "Fine but you owe me one" Taurtis said getting up I put on my clothes then turn around to see Taurtis dressed also with his headphones and a black T-shirt I have too say he looks pretty hot I went over him and kissed him on his lips "Your pretty sexy" I say "Right back at you" He says I start too kiss him but then I see the clock 6:30 am "We need to go" I say grabbing his hand and running to the store I quickly grab a carrot and Doritos pay and we run but as always we were late so we took our seats and Miss Okami said roll call.

Dom's POV (Didn't see that coming did you)

I zoned out while Miss Okami was saying roll call I was looking at Sam even though I bully him its so he doesn't know that I like him, I must of zoned out for a long time because Miss Okami called me up oh crap I forgot about homework I'll improvise "My favorite person is... Uh... Is you Miss Okami because your great a teacher" "B+" ring finally class is over I step out of my seat and go to the bathroom when I'm in the bathroom I see Sam "Sam uh... I'm sorry about what I did to you" I say "Uh that's okay I guess" he says back "No dude its not I should have not done that" I say "Let me look at you is you eye okay" I say looking into his eyes "Its fine don't worry he says looking at into my eyes I look at him and lean into kiss him, he pulls away but then pushes back just then I here someone come into the bathroom Sam pulls away.

Taurtis POV

Aww man Sam had my food well I think he went to the bathroom so I'll go get it from him, as I walk into the bathroom I see Dom and Sam kiss that I gasp and run out of the school it starts to rain but I don't care I can't believe Sam would do this to me especially with Dom I'm crying much I don't know where I am my vision is starting to go blurry but I'm still running, and I think I see J's house  but I hear Sam yelling after me i cut a corner and he passes me I go back to J hoping Sam didn't see me, when I get there I hit the doorbell but I pass out from crying so much. A couple hours later I wake up with J sitting next to me he tells me what happened and then I tell him why I was outside his front door passed out I'm just glad that J was home since he wasn't at school today, "Well me and Uh Sam..." I say but I immediately start crying at the thought of what he did to me, J pats me on the back "Me and Sam are dating, and he decided to go have make out session with Dom" I start crying even more but then there is a knock on the door "Don't worry I'll get" J says I wipe my eyes too see Sam.


Oh shit I fucked up this but Dom kissing me felt so good but I'm in a relationship for now anyways I pull away and start running after him but after awhile I lose him school is probably out by now so I head home and take a nap and realize how much I truly screwed up. I wake up a couple hours later and realize that he most likely went to J's house I start running to J's house and knock on the door I see J but behind him I see Taurtis I try walking to him but J stops me "What do you want Sam" J asks as if my name is poison "I need to talk to Taurtis" I say "I'm not talking to you Sam" I hear Taurtis yell, Taurtis go out of my vision and i head glass break and Taurtis jump out the window "I pay for that" I say starting to run after Taurtis I chase him all the way to our house and he runs up the stairs and locks him self in the bathroom "Taurtis look I'm so sorry for doing that and I know I don't deserve any second chances but I love you and I need you more than anything right now" I yell I hear a click on the door and I run to Taurtis and try to kiss him but he pulls away "Why Dom Sam why out of all people would you kiss Dom" Taurtis says crying and I pull him into a hug and kiss him this time he doesn't pull away.


He starts kissing me on the neck until he finds my special spot where I let out a moan he leads me into the bedroom and throws me onto the bed he starts to suck on my necks and I let out another moan he takes off my T-shirt and I take off his then he takes off my pants to reveal a bulge then my boxers and he puts my whole cock into my mouth and I moan really loud  after he's done I do the same thing, "Sam are you ready" he says flipping me over I nod yes as he eases him self into me I moan at the pleasure but I let down a couple of tears in pain "Sorry" he says wiping the tears away "Don't worry it'll get better" he said and he wasn't lying after awhile it felt amazing but then he found my g-spot and he hit it hard and I let out a loud moan he slowly to pull himself out but at the last second he rammed me one more time "TAURTIS" I yelled it felt so good and he released a warm sticky substance an then we switched "I love you Taurtis" "I love you to Sam"

Never again that was to... I just never again that was so bad writing I just can't 1,106 words

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