Chapter 2

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We walked to Pizza World seens there was one right outside of my neighborhood. There was a special on the buffet so we all looked at each other and and said yes on it.

We all chipped in on the bill. We pretty much eat all the pizza.

"I'm so stuff!" I say laughing.

"Me too!" Darren says.

"Let's go back to Amanda's house." Nick says " If we can walk out." We all laugh.

-Back at Amanda's house-

We all go and sit on the coach.

"We should watch a movie!" Mo say

"Yea," Abby agrees.

"What kind tho?" Kenly questioned.

"Umm... scary?" Darren says with a ify look on his face.

"Yea that would be awesome" Nick says.

"I don't know about it." Sarah says.

"Please, stop fighting!" Libby said getting a little annoyed.

"What about a mystery?" Alexa says with a questiony face.

"Yea we should! It can be scary some times." I said. Everyone end up saying yes to the mystery. We all get on the coach. All nine of fit on one coach but we were really close to each other. I sat next to Darren and Alexa. Darren put his arm around me and I put my head one his shoulder. No it wasn't wired. We do this a lot, but just as friends. One time we went to the movies and somebody thought we where together, because he has hand on my leg. That was last year, and somebody from our school must of saw us there and started the rumor about us dating.

"Theres no movies in the mystery category. Do you guys want to watch a TV show?" I asked them, they all agreed and so we watch a show called Castle.

-After the show-

"That was great we should do things like this more often!" Libby said unwrapping her self from a blanket.

"Yea we could do mabye this once a month or we could just do something together?" Abby said.

"Well, we could just switch it up every month." Kenly said and we all agreed.

"Are we all going to the party tonight?" Sarah asked.

"I am!" I said excitedly.

"Me too" Alexa said, we all say that we are going. So we decided to go together.

"Is this party a dressy one or can we were what ever?" Nick asked.

"I don't know I'll text Jason." I said grabbing my phone.

"Is Darren awake?" Mo says laughing.

"Yea he is! Wow I didn't think it was boring." I say looking up from my phone and we all start to laugh.

"What did Jason say?" Nick asked

"He didn't reply yet." I said.

"We should take a picture of Darren!" Mo says.

"Oh my god we should totally do that and then post it on instagram!" Abby says laughing.

"Man remind me not to sleep around you guys." I said we all start laughing. We were so loud we woke up Darren. He got up and ran into the bathroom to look in the mirror. When we saw that we started laughing even harder.

"What the heck did you do!" Darren yelled

"Nothing come down!" Nick said. As time went on they had to go. I went to soccer practice. It was really nothing, but 3v3 and things like that. I didn't mind that, I mean I kind of like practices like that. I get home and I take a shower. I look at the time and got worried because my mom should be home by now. So I call my mom and a wired voice picked up. I ask who this is and he says he's a doctor. I go a little panicky.

"Why did you pick up my mom's phone?"

"Umm miss your mother was in a car crash"

"Wait what?"

"Miss she will be alright if you want to see her you will have to come tomorrow."


"We will be doing some tests and checking some other things."

"But she's my mother!"

"I understand that but she is not ready to be seen and we are not 100% sure about some things."

"Why can't I at least see her?"

"Miss I told you, I am very sorry but we have rules."

I hang up very angrily and start to ball out. I pull out my phone and call my Dad.



"Mom's at the hospital."

"What, why?"

"She was in a car crash."

"Can we go and see her?"

"No they won't let you."

"When can we see her?"



"I know,"

"Listening I got to go I really busy. I will get out as soon as I can. Okay?"


What is happening to me? Will my mom be ok? I start balling again. I look at the time again and the party starts in an hour. I decided that I didn't want to go. I unwrap my towel and put a
t-shirt on and some comfy shorts on. I call Mo seens we were going to meet at her house and tell that I couldn't go, she asked me why but I told her that I would tell her latter. She did fight me and begged me to come but I refused. Latter that night I get a text from my dad says "I won't be home until later". I also got one from Darren saying that he is coming over. I know what was going to happen. I told myself that I could tell him, but I didn't want to. It was aslo surprising because he would miss the beginning of the party and he loves to party. I ordered a small pizza from Alfonso's. A couple of minutes later I heard a knock. I went to see how it is. I assume it was Darren but you never know. To my luck it was Darren. As soon as I opened the door, I started sobing into he's chest. He held me so tight that I could feel his muscle indentions. Some how he always makes me feel better.

"What's wrong?" he said closings the door and walking to the coach. I look up to him and he holds my cheek with one hand.
"My what?"
"My Mom,"
"What happened?"
"She was in a car crash."
"I'm so sorry."
He was so soothing about it. He made me feel so much better. Then I asked if he could stay the night. He could, all we really did was cuddle. He kiss my forehead a few times. But again it wasn't anything but sympathy. I think? It became night and I was finally able to stop cry. But I was still extremely sad. I went to go get my phone and it was basically blue up. I had like a billion text messages. And my twitter well like just double that. That night after my Dad got home and check us, I pretty much spent all the night cuddling and crying.


Wel how do you like it so far tell me in the comments.
I am really excited for next chapter. Again I am really sorry for any spelling errors.

What will happen to Amanda's mom? How are people going to react when they find out? Will this affect Amanda tomorrow at the big game?

Find out next chapter :) ♥♥

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