Part sixty two

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*My POV *

I woke up from the nice nap I was having and noticed Paul beside me.

"Someone must be tired." I thought to myself

I sat myself and looked over at Paul. I know I probably say I love you to him a lot but I honestly do, nobody knows our relationship better than we do. We've been to hell and back, we've broke up, had arguments, I've had times where I thought that he stopped loving me. I don't know what he thinks but I know after all this we still love each other and I think that we'll be together for a long time. There's also this whole baby situation, we have 6 months until he or she arrives and there's a lot to do. We'll probably have to find a new house, paint, buy baby Furniture, etc...

Thinking about it now I sometimes wish that I wasn't having a baby at this age because I had my whole life ahead of me and now I have to change plans. But now we're here and sure we could of made a better decision three months ago but we're young and foolish. I would never give it up and with Paul being so supportive and not leaving me it helps a lot. I have a lot to owe to him, he's made my life better, he's such a gentleman and a sweetheart. He's one of those types of guys that you're parents would be happy you brought home, I know mine were. He's the perfect boyfriend and any girl would be lucky to have him and lucky enough I was that girl, out of everyone, all his fans, his friends he chose me.

Just than Paul woke up and all I could do was smile and laugh a little.

"What?" he says than sits up and puts his arm around me

"Oh nothing, just been thinking."

"About what?"

"Just about how lucky I am to be with you, you're literally the perfect boyfriend and I'm not just saying that because you're mine. You're a sweetheart and a gentleman. And out of all the people in the world, your fans, your friends you chose me. These past two and a half years have been the best of my life. I love you and I know I say that often but I honestly do."

"Oh wow, but I think I'm the lucky one. If I never moved back here and if Danny never introduced me to you, my life would be different. I'm glad I found you because I guarantee that no other girl would make me feel the same way as you make me feel. These past two years have been the best years of my life too and I know that we can make this work, we'll last forever. Oh and before I forget when are we going back so we can tell your parents?"

"We can go in two weeks if you're not busy with work."

"Work can wait, you're my girlfriend and I put you before work. So of course we can go in two weeks."

"Thanks babe you're the best." I said as I got up, kissed him and went downstairs.

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