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"What?!" I ask my eyes wide open. "No way! I'm not changing school because I have a girlfriend!"

I sit on chair next to table and to be honest, I was totally shocked.

My parents says that I should change a school because of my amazing girlfriend Eleanor.

"Louis, after you met that Calder kid, your grades went from A's to B's and C's. We told you that you can break up with her or we'll change your school, remember? And you didn't break up with her, so we need to do this" my dad explains.

"But I want to be with her! What is wrong with that?" I ask.

Eleanor Calder, my beautiful girlfriend. She's funny but people say she's weird because she's not good in school.

"Louis, see, she fails her tests, she smokes and drinks. She don't affect you in good way" mom said.

"Mom! I'm not -" I start but she cuts me off.

"Louis, we're not talking about this! Next monday you start in new school. The end" my mom says.

"I hate you!" I shout as I stand up.

I glare at her and my dad but then I run into my room and I jump onto my bed and I start to cry endlessly.

New school...

That would mean new annoying people.

New bullying.

New everything.

I didn't wanna start again. I already have great life. Loving girlfriend and much friends. 

Like c'mon, I already had what I wanted. It took years to get to be popular. Years!

And I have to start again. And I know El will break up with me when we can't be together all the time. I can't let that happen. Right now, she's the only one who helps me with hiding my secret. My only secret. 

If people get to know my secret, I'll get bullied and everyone will hate me.

I take my phone, tears still dropping down my cheeks. I feel heavy and I feel like an idiot. 

I feel.. Feelings.

- Monday - 

I can see my new school.

I can see him.

Sorry for this being short, but shhh. It's just prologue, and next chapter will be better. I promise, so comment and tell me what you think xx

By the way, this is  my first FanFic here, so I'm nervous watcha think.

[REWRITING] Help Me So I Can Rise Again (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now