Chapter 11 - Fix You

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Okay, liked last chapter? Good. 

I know this sucks but anyway, read it. lol

Anyway, here's the chapter 11 and hope you enjoy. 

Yeah, And I might leave all the Harry's point of views out, because I just don't get connection to him in this story. I know I'm weird and oh yeah, I'll stop talking now before I'll get you all bored and stuff. Okay, bye. 


"So basically he told you he loves you and you didn't say you love him back and now he thinks you don't love him back and his confused and everything. Do you love him back?" Jessica asks as we're drinking coffee at coffeeshop. 

"Yeah... Basically that happened and I don't know do I love him back. Of course I feel butterflies as he kissed me and all, but I don't know, Jess. What if he's just playing with me? And I don't know is it possible to fall for the big bully who in reality probably hates me and all..." I say looking at my coffee.

"Oh my god Louis! He don't hate you or play with you. He kissed you, he told he he loves you. That's not what Harry does everyday. He spends his days in school alone, maybe having few football players around him. Then after school, he goes home, he smoke few cigarettes and then he gets drunk because he have hard times, Louis. Only person he've ever loved, was his mother and his sister. He have never said he loves anyone else. In years. Now he said, so that love must be real" Jessica sais and smiles at me weakly. 

Maybe so..


"What happened to his sister and mom?" I suddenly ask and Jessica's eyes turns to sad. 

"Well his mom said that he don't want to see anyone like that. Something happened between then. Gemma and Anne are almost never home. Well I think he have  a good relationship with Gemma but his mother doesn't like him that much. You could help him" she says. 


"I can't. I want to, but he don't want me to near him anymore" I say quietly. 

"Oh.. Let's get to the class, sweetie" Jessica says and stands up. 

"Yeah.. We're going to be late..." I say as I stand up too. 

-In Class-

"Okay my dear history class. Today, we will start to do an essee. You will do it with your music partner because apparently I'm too lazy to pick a new partners to you. I'm not even sorry about that. Anyway, I'll tell you your mission. Wey hey. Oh wait, I forgot the paper to principal's officer" our teacher, Mr. Smith says. 

I sigh. He walks to the door, but stops swiftly when the door opens and tall boy stumbles inside. 

"Mr. Styles, you're late" Mr. Smith says and swallows. 

"I fucking don't care" he mumbles and look at me with empty green eyes with no emotion. 

"You're drunk, Mr. Styles. I need to tell about this to the principal. I really need to. And you should go home" Mr. Smith says trying to stay calm, but Harry just walk past him and right to my desk. 

"This fucking fag ruined my life. I won't calm down, and I won't go home! I told you I love you you fucking loser! I told you I fucking want you so fucking much and what you do? You just stand there thinking you can do whatever you want! Thinking that you can rule everyone! You fucking think that you rule the world!" he shouts at me and I just sit there and I stare at him eyes wide. 

"Mr. Styles-" Mr. Smith starts but Harry cuts him off tears in his eyes. 

Everyone look at Harry fear in their eyes. Like seriously. Fear. They are scared. But I can tell that Harry is scared too. Okay, he's drunk but still. 

[REWRITING] Help Me So I Can Rise Again (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now