Chapter 1 - New school, New start... Right?

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It's me, and I know I don't have reads... (Am I really that bad writer, seriously?)

Anyway, few things about me... I'm girl, and I'm directioner. I loooove food and Larry Stylinson. I try to do my best with this story but I have no idea how, if I don't know what people think. 

Now, enjoy the official chapter 1 : )



I put stuff into my locker and I sigh.

I feel that something bad will happen.


I walk into my class and there's only five people. I go to sit to the back so I wouldn't get attention what was the last think I wanted.

"Hey, I'm Jessica" girl in front of me says as she turn to look at me.

"Hi, I'm Louis" I say smiling as we shake hands. "Wait, have I met you before?"

"Yes! In Eleanor's party last month" Jessica says and her face brightens up. "I forgot. No surprise that you looked so familiar!"

She smiles and she looks beautiful.

"So, you wanna hang out with me your first day, do ya?" She asks.

"Yeah, sure. Why not?" she starts to laugh as I speak. "What?"

"You just look funny, I'm sorry" she says.

We have a nice little chats until teacher and other students come.

"Welcome to my class, Mr. Tomlinson. I would introduce you, but we need to get to the work" Mrs. Cross says. "So, today we start our music project"

I stop listening for while and I look around.

I see him.

That boy who I saw outside when I came here. I look at him. I stare at him. Oh, I hope no one notices that. Oops.

He has a curly brown hair and green eyes. He's tall, so much taller than me. He's wearing black jeans, white T-shirt and black jacket. '

Have to admit that he look really hot.

"Mr. Tomlinson? Are you even listening?" Mrs. Cross asks and I feel everyone in class watching me as I blush.

"S-sorry" I mumble.

"I was just telling that you and your partner, you'll sing duet to our class" Mrs. Cross explains smiling like she just had made way to get us all to be friends.

"Can we choose our partners?" One blonde girl asks.

"No, Miss. Edwards. I chose them already" Mrs. Cross says.

She starts to tell the pairs, and I listen carefully. Of course my name is last.

"And Mr. Tomlinson and Mr. Styles. You'll start tomorrow, because now Mr. Styles and Miss. Cross can show the school to you" Mrs. Cross says. 

"Do I have to?" curly haired boy said. Harry. 

"Yes, if you don't wanna fail" Mr. Cross says and me, Jessica and Harry stand up.

We get out of the class room.

"Jessica, you mind if I go to smoke? I don't like hanging out with new losers" Harry asks.

"Yeah, go ahead Harry" Jessica says and rolls her eyes as Harry walks away.

"Who he is?"

"Harry Styles. He's a criminal and bully. He drinks, and he smokes and he uses drugs. If you know what is good for you, don't go close to him, okay?" Jessica says with serious tone. 

"Okay" I reply simply and we start the tour. 


 I take my cigarettes and enjoy the feeling of smoking. 

I didn't show it in the class, but c'mon, I don't wanna sing a duet with that gay kid! I wanna sing a duet with Jessica or Perrie. Those girls are hot, and they can sing. 

To be honest, only person I was nice to, was Jessica. 

Of course I was nice to my friend group, but not so much as I was to Jessica.

Anyway, Louis Tomlinson. Boy who came to ruin my class where I rock. Oh wait, he's not even boy, he's a lady because you know, you can see that he's gay from the way that he dress himself. He was havin RED jeans. You heard right, RED jeans. Oh my god, it was so embarrasing to be in same room as him. 

And now I have to deal with him every music class. Great.

Probably he'll run away though, when he realises who I really am, and how badly I can hurt him, because that's exactly what I'm going to do. 

I'm not afraid to hurt his feelings. 


"See you tomorrow, Louis?" Jennifer asks as I walk away from class room.

"Yeah, sure" I say and I smile. 

Jennifer walks away as every other kid in school. 

I begin to walk away from school. I need to walk home, because my parents are working and I don't like driving. Don't ask why. I just hate it. 

Then I hear someone telling me to stop walking. I stop walking and I start to turn around, but someone push me against the wall.

"Stay away from me, fag. If you come near, I'll hurt you" raspy voice says to my ear and I can smell smoke. 

I realize who he is. 

What I did wrong? It's my first day. 

"Just don't hurt me" I say but I say it too late. 

This boy punch me on my stomach and for a minute I feel like I can't breath. 

I try to take breaths and calm myself but I feel tears coming from my eyes. 

"Fag" he says before he walks away. 



Tell me what you think : ) comments xx

[REWRITING] Help Me So I Can Rise Again (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now