15 pt 2

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I had gotten considerably worse over the night.
My chest felt like it was heavy and tight, and each breath caused me to grind my teeth in my restless sleep. My lungs felt full of that mucus shit.

"Two chocolate chip pancakes for the birthday boy," I chuckled painfully, placing a plate of food in front of my nephew. I sneezed into my sleeve and sighed before washing my hands and giving him a glass of milk. "After you eat, you can open your first present."

He ate, humming to a song and kicking his feet beneath him. He took two bites of a pancake and a sip of milk before licking his top lip and grinning. "Done?" He giggled at himself.

I shook my head. "Nah, man. Eat some more," I said hoarsely. My throat was still raw and it was painful to talk and swallow, so I didn't eat anything. Only drank hot chocolate. That's all that I could manage at this point. I've never felt like this. Complete shit.

He ate quietly until one whole pancake was gone and his milk was finished off. "Uncle Chris, I'm done," he dragged, pouting. I laughed and moved his plate away to put a wrapped shoe box in front of him. He closed his eyes and waited patiently. "Now?"

"Yeah," I croaked. I watched him and chuckled.

He wasted no time ripping the red wrapping paper away to reveal a shoe box. Inside were some black and blue Nike Air Jordan 1 Retros, just like mine. His eyes turned to saucers and he beamed. "Whoa! They're just like yours!" He hopped down from the kitchen chair and gawked at them.

"You wanna wear them today?" I asked with a slight chuckle. I cleared my throat, which hurt like a bitch. He nodded wordlessly and hurried to put them on. His happiness made me so happy and content. I took pride in having him admire me. My little shadow. Couldn't live without him.

On the way to drop him off at school, my phone rang. A call from Mystery. I didn't bother getting excited, because I knew it was Paris calling for Isaiah. I passed it back to him and listened to him giggle and boast about his cool new shoes. I smirked; freshest nigga on the block.

They got off the phone right before I pulled up in front of the school. I cut the engine, sneezed, groaned, and helped him out of the car. I bent down to his level to give him his lunchbox and I shoved a dollar in his pocket for ice cream.

"Have a good day, man. Happy birthday."

"Uncle Chris, are you gonna eat lunch with me?"

I shook my head. "Not today, man," I muttered. "I'm sick right now and I don't wanna get you and your friends sick. I will when I feel better, aight?"

"You can wear a mask-thingy like the doctors wear!"

I chuckled, shook my head. "Not today, man. But you got a cupcake in your lunchbox, aight? Now go on."

He smiled bashfully before throwing his arms around my neck to hug me and leave a wet kiss on my cheek. "Bye Uncle Chris! Chuck E Cheese's after school, okay?"

I nodded. "Sure thing. Anything for the birthday boy." I nudged him along and he scurried off to meet up with his teacher.

One last wave and I was in my car on the way home to take some benadryl to make me sleep. Mystery had brought it over for me last night.

I wasn't mad at Chris. How could I be? All he did was say what was on his mind. I couldn't be mad at him for stating his opinion of me.

It was painful to hear, though. I thought Chris would be different. I thought he'd be my outlet. My saving grace. Turns out, he's not any of that. He's just a friend. Barely.

I woke up blushing at the thought of him. Shit—not again. Aaron was beside me, his arm locked around my torso and his warm forehead against my arm. I reached down to pry his fingers off of me, successfully scooting away from him. He grumbled something in his sleep as I put my pillow where my body was. "Where you going?" he asked groggily when I had a robe tied around me.

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