25 pt 2

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Chris and I were soaking wet from the concert. After that kiss and John Legend wishing the audience safe travels back home, he had to practically pull me to the car because my body froze up. We sat in silence for a few minutes, our breathing hard and labored from the jogging and from the fact that we just kissed.

Did this count as cheating on Aaron, my mind asked. I shook my head. No, I didn't cheat; I'm not married anymore. And besides, he kissed me this time. I didn't kiss him back, I was sure of it. But when I looked over at him staring straight out the window–he visibly tensed when he felt my eyes on him–I saw my lip gloss smeared on his lips. It glimmered in the moonlight illuminating his face through the windshield. And that's when I knew, I did kiss him back... again.

Honestly, I can't say I didn't see it coming. The sexual tension between me and Chris for the past few months or so was strong, so it was only a matter of time before either one of us caved again. And it was him this time.

Did I like the kiss? Yes, it was different just like all the other times we kissed. Sensual and soothing. Soft but firm. His lips tasted like the soda, Cherry Pepsi, he drank before we arrived. His hands held me like I was delicate, like I'd shatter if he didn't hold me properly. Like, a fine china plate.

Did I approve of the kiss? Of course not. I was in the middle of a divorce and wanted time to heal and get over Aaron.

My mind was hazy as I heard him start the engine and zoom away. I had had another bout of sleepless nights so I leaned my seat back, pulled my wet jacket closer to my body, and shivered until my eyelids closed.


There was something burning through the flesh of my jacket. It was pulling me this way and that, wanting me to get up. And there were whispers calling my name. Against my better judgement, I went with whatever it was pulling me.

"Hey," the voice said. "Mystery, it's me."

My eyes opened to see Chris, still dripping wet, sitting in his seat, nudging my arm. He was the person pulling me and calling my name. I was dreaming. I slowly sat up and looked around. We weren't at my house, weren't at Sam's house. Then where were we?

"Um, I figured it was too late to take you to Sam's, so I brought you to my house," he muttered. He was watching me, waiting for my reaction. "I can take you back if you want."

I shook my head. "I don't wanna wake her up."

"Well, then you can sleep here. The guest bedroom is nice and cozy." He offered me a small smile, but I could tell he was either still angry or embarrassed at what happened between us. Maybe both.

It was still raining heavily when I opened my car door. I shivered again, finding it useless to hold my soaked-through jacket closer to my torso for warmth. But thankfully, his driveway was short and we both jogged to his porch. His porch barely fit the both of us comfortably, and we were practically side by side. We could see our breaths in the air and a fresh layer of rainwater covered us again.

We locked eyes and neither of us looked away. I didn't even blush, though. Chris looked like he was reading my thoughts, figuring out what I was thinking. That, and I thought he was eye-raping me. But I let that slide. "Uh, Chris?" I cleared my throat.


"It's cold and raining. Could you speed this up a little?" I giggled.

That snapped him back to reality and he unlocked the door with his keys in a split second. The house beeped twice when we stepped in and we both shed our shoes and jackets. It was dark, but he flipped on a light to reveal the tiny foyer.

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