Chapter one

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Katie rushed out onto her rocky drive way after she heard a loud truck, Tommy had finally come home. Home from a long drive out on the open road on the country side where they lived. The smell of fresh pine hit Tommy's noise as he got out of his old two ton truck. "Baby!" Katie yelled ruining into Tommy's open arms. "I missed you so much!" He told her between kisses. Together they walked inside their shared country home holding hands. Tommy sat down at the couch and turned on the news, his favorite channel. Katie smiled, she missed the gossip of the world around her as tommy sat on the couch and stared amazed of what was going on. Tommy was dirty from the trip, but Katie didn't care she was just happy her high school sweet heart husband was ok. It had been a year since they had gotten married and Katie was now 19, while tommy was 21. Katie jumped on the couch on tommy once the news hit a commercial break. Making out with him, she rubbed her hands trough his greasy, dirty blonde hair, she had only been able to dream about this for the last five months well her husband had gone away, it was so nice to now be able to wake up and have him actually be there. "I love you!" She whispered to him. "I love you more." Tommy replied wrapping his hands around Katie's thin waist. And things only got better from there.

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