On the Hunt

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"Devin! Devin! Hey wake up." My eyes slowly peel open to see my two idiotic best friends in front of me.

"What the hell!" I hissed pulling the covers up to cover my body. "What are you two doing in my room? How the hell did you get in? Where's Steve?" I rushed glaring at the two of them.

"Steve is on shift, I have a key, and we have freaking amazing news!" Stiles said filling me in and holding up a key.

"Why do you have a key to my house?" I asked bewildered.

"Steve gave it to me." Stiles said as if nothing was wrong. At this point I turned my attention to Scott who was sitting there with a sheepish smile on his face.

"Ugh whatever why are you two even here?" I asked groggily.

"Yea Stiles why don't you tell her this brilliant idea." Scott scoffed giving Stiles a side glare.

Slowly I turned my head to Stiles with a worried look on my face. A small smiled crossed his lips as he began to explain. "Ok so my dad left a little while ago on a dispatch call. They found a body in the woods!" He said excitedly.

"What the hell." I groan. "I still don't get why your here."

"Here's the good part, they only found half a body! We're going to find that other part." Stiles explained flailing his arms around.

"No Stiles. No I refuse to get into any more mischief with you. I promised Steve I would be good this year." I refused.
"I hate you." I grumble from the back seat of Stiles jeep.

"No you don't." He grinned looking at me through his rear view mirror as we pulled into the reserve.

"We're seriously doing this?" Scott asked as we all clambered out.

"Hey your the one always bitching nothing ever happens in this town." Stiles defended tossing me a flashlight, which I caught with ease.

"I was trying to get a good night sleep before practice tomorrow...." Scott trailed off.

Stiles and I both looked at each other before busting out laughing. "Because sitting the beach takes such grueling effort."

"No! I'm playing this year, in fact I'm making first line." Scott defended.

"Yea and I'm a fairy princess and dating Zac Efron. Come on Scotty." I laugh.

"No no everyone needs a dream Dev, even if it is an unrealistic one." Stiles said butting in.

"What ever." Scott scoffed. "Hey just out of curiosity which part of the body are we looking for?" Scott asked. I glanced up at Stiles as well curiously.

"Huh didn't think of that." Stiles sighed.

"Uh huh so if you didn't think of that, then what if the murderer is still out here?"

"Also another thing I didn't think of." Stiles said letting out a dry laugh.

We being trucking up a hill and I notice Scott slowing down. "Glad you thought this through with your usual attention to detail." Scott adds.

"I know." Stiles grins stupidly.

I turn and notice Scott really far behind and taking a puff of his inhaler. "Maybe we should let wheezy back here carry a flashlight."

Stiles suddenly hits the ground, tugging me down with him in the process. We go down and quickly the breath is knocked out of me by the stump I landed on. "Shit Devin are you alright." Stiles whispered.

"Yea yea fine." I wave him off looking a head. Flashlights flood the scene in front of us. Stiles suddenly jumps up pulling me with him again.

We begin running to god knows where when a flashlight shines on us. "Stop right there!"

Sighing I knew we were caught and Sheriff was NOT gonna be happy. "Hang on, hang on. These little delinquents belong to me." He said shining his light on the two of us.

"Hey sheriff!" I wave grinning.

"Dad, how you doing?" Stiles asked, attempting to ease the tension.

"So do you listen in on all my phone calls?" The Sheriff asked wearily.

A grin spreads on Stiles face. "No... Not the boring ones." He adds.

"So where is your other partner in crime?" Sheriff questioned looking at Stiles, knowing he would crack before I would.

"Who Scott?" I asked taking over the situation. "He's at home. Something about wanting to sleep before tryout because he wants to actually play this year." I lied easily.

"Yup just Devin and I... In the woods... Alone." Stiles hummed raising his fathers curiosity.

Sheriff then scans the woods with his flashlight. "Scott you out there? Scott." After no response he turned back to Stiles and I grabbing his son by the neck and me by my arm. "I'm going to walk you back to your car where you will take Devin straight home. Then when I get home you and I are going to have a little talk about invasion of personal privacy." He said as he lead us to the jeep.

As we were walking I caught a scent, one I knew. Laura. And that's when I knew something was wrong.

Divine *Stiles Stilinski* Book 1Where stories live. Discover now