Batman, Robin, and Catwoman

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"Your a terrible bowler!" I exclaimed as we walked out of lunch.

"I know! I'm such an idiot!" Scott groaned.

"It was like I was watching a car accident. First it turns to a four people date and after that comes that phrase from nowhere!" Stiles laughed.

"What phrase?" I ask.

"Hanging out." Scout pouted.

Now I was confused. "What's wrong with that?"

"You don't hang out with hot girls, okay? It's like death. If you're hanging out, you might as well be the gay best friend. You and Danny could start hanging out." Stiles says walking next to me.

"How did all of that happened? I may have even killed a guy, or maybe I didn't..." Scott once again complained.

"I don't think Danny likes me very much." Stiles randomly says.

Scott continues with his rant.."I asked Allison on a date and now we're hanging."

"Am I attractive to gay guys?" Stiles turns and ask us but Scott continues to complain.

"I made it to first line and the captain of the team wants to destroy me and now... Now I'm gonna be late for work!" He says before running out.

"Wait, Scott! You didn't... Am I attractive to gay guys? You didn't answer my question." Stiles yells after him. "Do you think I'm attractive to gay guys?" He ask me.

"Stiles I think your attractive to everyone now I have to get home but call me if you need anything!" I grin as his cheeks turn bright red.
"I'm picking you up in 5 and were going to the school." Stiles instructs through the phone.

"Uh ok but why?"

"Scott thinks he knows how to remember what happen last night now I gotta go bye!" And with that he hung up.

Laughing I begin collecting my stuff. Things between Stiles and I have been different lately, ever since we kissed at the game. We both flirt with each other constantly and when I'm not with him, I want to be.

I've never noticed how strong my feeling toward him were until that night when I kissed him, but when I did it was like something just clicked in my head. I know he felt it to cause his heart beat picked up and I could smell desire on him.

Before I knew it a horn was honking outside. Quickly I ran out and climbed in the jeep with the boys.

"So what's the plan?" I ask leaning up.

"Derek told me how I can remember." Scott says keeping his eyes ahead.

"You went to Derek's?" I hissed.

"Dev just hear him out." Stiles plead.

"Look he's the only one who has experience with this type of stuff." Scott explained.

"What ever!" I huff sitting back. I sat in the back pouting the rest of the way to the school. When we got there Stiles went to get out too.

"No, just me! Someone needs to keep watch!" He instructs.

"Wh-why am I always the one keeping watch. Devin can watch!" He exclaims.

"We can't leave her alone." Scott eyes Stiles.

"I am capable of taking care of my self." I snap from the back.

"What if it's another werewolf. I over powered you in the locker room that time and I have no training." Scott reminded.

"I-uh I hate you." I groan crossing my arms.

"Okay, why do I  feel like you're Batman and I'm Robin? I don't want to be Robin all the time!" Stiles complains.

"Nobody's Batman or Robin any of the time!" Scott snaps.

"Not even some of the time?" He pouts, I accidentally let a giggle ask, I couldn't help it he was so cute pouting.

"Just stay here!" Scott demands climbing out.

"Oh my god!" Stiles groan. I smile at him pouting and climb into the front seat.

"Hey don't be sad at least you two get to be super hero's." I smile. "I'm not."

"Sure you are you can be Catwoman!" He grinned.

"Batman, Robin, and Catwoman strike again!" I say making a grin spread across his face.

"God your perfect." He whispered. He started to lean in when I heard I car engine from afar. I glance in the rearview and see lights.

"Shit Stiles look." I swear pulling away.

Stiles mutters a few cuss words as he lays on the horn letting Scott know. Moments later Scott came jumping over the fence running towards us. I quickly scrambled into the back while Scott jumped in. "Go!" Scott yelled.

"Did it work? Did you remember?" I ask.

"Yeah, I was there last night. But the blood, none of it was mine." Scott huffed.

"So you did attack him?" Stiles panicked.

"No! I saw red eyes in the bus. But it wasn't mine, it was Derek!" Scott accused.

"What about the driver?" Stiles pushed.

"I was trying to protect him." Scott gathered.

"I don't get it why would Derek help you remember him attacking the driver?" I questioned.

"That's what I don't get!" Scott exclaimed.

"This has to be a pack thing!" Stiles came to the conclusion.

"What do you mean?" Scott asked.

"Like an initiation. You've got to kill together." Stiles received a dumb look from me.

"Because slitting someone's throat is a real bonding experience." I sass.

Stiles looks at me and rolls his eyes. "But you didn't do it! Which means you're not a killer! And it also means that..."

Scott cut Stiles off. "That I can go out with Allison..." He grinned.

"I was gonna say that means you won't kill Devin or I." Stiles dryly chuckled.

"Oh yeah, that too." Scott laughed.

"Glad to know who holds more priority in your laugh." I joked leaning up.

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